
від redactor, 2 квітня, 2013
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Year 2014-2015 Admission

to the following Doctoral Programmes

02.00.01 – Inorganic Chemistry

07.00.01 – History ofUkraine

10.01.01 – Ukrainian Literature

10.01.06 – Theory of Literature

10.02.01 – Ukrainian Language

13.00.01 – General Education Theory and History of Pedagogics

13.00.05 – Social Pedagogics

19.00.01 – General Psychology, History of Psychology

23.00.02 – Political Institutions and Processes

24.00.02 – Physical Training, Different Demographic Groups’ Physical Education


TheHigherDoctorateCenteradmits persons having PhD Degree and academic achievements in the chosen scientific specialty. The applicants should also be able to conduct a highly-profile fundamental and applicable scientific research.

Training in theHigherDoctorateCenteris supported by:

  • the state budget ofUkraine- on the state contract for work in the public sector of the national economy;
  •  the funds of legal entities and individuals - in terms of the contract - for work in the public and non-governmental sectors of the national economy;

Foreigners and persons without a citizenship are admitted on the basis of:

  • International agreements ofUkraine;
  • International programs;
  • Contracts concluded by the University and legal entities and individuals.

List of documents for admission to the Higher Doctorate Center

Doctoral Programme Applicants submit the following documents to the Rector’s office:

1)      application (sample);

2)      personal record sheet from the Human Resources department with the photo and stamp of the applicant ‘s former work institution;

3)      list of published scientific works and inventions (according to the standard pattern, with the determined specialized publishers and due to the dissertation topic) (sample) 

4)      medical certificate 086/o form;

5)      copy of a Specialist or Master diploma or its equivalent (individuals who have received appropriate training abroad should have a copy of the nostrificated diploma);

6)      copy of a PhD diploma (a copy of the nostrificated diploma should be submitted in case if the PhD degree was received abroad);

7)      copy of a certificate about the academic title of associate professor (professor, assistance professor) conferment (if applicable);

8)      detailed plan of the dissertation;

9)      Copy of the identification number;

10)  Two photographs (3 cmx4 cm).

Passport, higher education diploma, PhD diploma, certificate about the academic title of associate professor (professor, assistance professor) are submitted by the applicants personally.

Within ten days after his / her admission to the Doctorate Center an applicant should personally submit his / her work record card where the last job place dismissal due to the Doctorate admission is recorded; as well as the report about his / her average monthly fee (signed by the main accountant and the director of the former institution) (sample) should be submitted to run the payroll calculations.

Admission documents have been accepted since September 1 till September 15, year 2015 at the weekdays, from 10.00 to 17.00. Admission since November 1, 2015.

Doctoral students:

  • If admitted on the state order, according to the active legislation, doctoral students receive their stipends;
  • Students from other cities are subject to the housing proving;
  • Have right for the annual vacations that are included into the general Doctorate studies term.

Mutual responsibilities of the doctoral student and the University are determined in the agreement, envisaging the timely finishing of the dissertation, job placement upon the Doctorate fulfilling and responsibility in case of the agreement requirements failure.

Doctoral students may be dismissed from the University because of the University internal regulations major violation, improper activities, as well as the failure to follow the due individual plan implementation without any serious reasons.

According to the Ukrainian legislature, doctoral student admitted on the government order and dismissed because of the mentioned reasons, will have to reimburse the price of his / her studies at the Higher Doctorate.

The period of stay in theHigherDoctorateCenteris no longer than three full years.

In the Department of Postgraduate Studies, Higher Doctorate and Academic Internship work:

  • Head of the Department Filipovych Myroslava Bohdanivna
  • Registrar Povar Iryna Petrivna
  • Registrar Solohub Tetyana Viktorivna

Telephone: +380332241410