In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 06.06.2022 №530, two specialized academic councils for awarding the Doctor of Philosophy degree have been formed at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University:
- Д 32.051.05.
Councile profile 19.00.01 “General Psychology, History of Psychology.”
The Head of the Council: Larysa Zasiekina, PhD in Psychology, Professor, Vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work and international cooperation.
Deputy Head of the Council: Zhanna Virna, PhD in Psychology, Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogical and Age Psychology.
Academic Secretary: Liudmyla Malimon, PhD in Psychology, Professor, Professor of the Department of General and Clinical Psychology.
- Д 32.051.06.
Council Profile: 08.00.01 “Theory of Economic and History of Economic Thought”, 08.00.03 “Economics and National Economy Management”, 08.00.06 “Economics of Nature Use and Environment Protection”.
The Head of the Council: Olena Pavlova, PhD in Economics, Professor, Head of the department of Economy and Nature Management.
Deputy Head of the Council: Vitaly Reikin, PhD in Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Management and Administration.
Academic Secretary: Alla Suryak, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Nature Management.
We wish the researchers new creative successes!
The Research and Development Department