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The Faculty of International Relations continues cooperation with foreign educational institutions

By Feoles, 7 June, 2022
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Prof. Anatolii Tsos, Rector of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, has concluded an agreement with the Rector-Commandant of the Yaroslav Dombrowski Military Technical Academy (Warsaw, Republic of Poland), Colonel, Habilitated Doctor, Professor Tadeusz Shchurek. Prof. Anatolii Tsos together with Prof. Aloysi Z. Nowak have signed a Memorandum of Mutual Understanding between the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies of the University of Warsaw and the Faculty of International Relations of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University.

Polish scientists put forward a proposal to sign a Memorandum of Mutual Understanding and an Agreement of Cooperation with Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University in order to support Ukrainian scholars and students in difficult times. The document states that cooperation will pursue mutual interests through the following events and programs: exchange programs for both students and teachers (in particular for those teachers who have a degree of candidate of sciences), joint research activities, participation in seminars and academic meetings, exchange of educational materials, special short-term training programs.

Факультет міжнародних відносин продовжує співпрацю із закордонними навчальними закладами

Prof. Antonina Shulyak, Dean of the Faculty of International Relations, Doctor of Political Sciences is a contact person responsible for the implementation of the above-mentioned agreements on behalf of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. Jacek Biel, Habilitated Doctor, professor of the Institute of Security and Defense, Faculty of Security, Logistics and Military Management is a contact person of the Military Technical Academy; Jakub Zajonczkowski, Habilitated Doctor, the representative of the Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies on cooperation in foreign and international projects is a contact person on behalf of the University of Warsaw responsible for the maintaining of the same agreements.

Faculty of International Relations

Факультет міжнародних відносин продовжує співпрацю із закордонними навчальними закладами