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First Training Sessions “European Integration of Ukraine” Came to End

By Feoles, 25 June, 2020
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The first training sessions “European Integration of Ukraine” for public servants, teachers and young scientists of the region within the project Jean Monnet’s Actions “EU Studies at Lesya Ukrainka EENU” of the EU program “Erasmus+” (coordinator Andrii Boyar) came to an end.

The events were the result of March-June 2020 joint work of the Faculty of International Relations of EENU, Volyn Regional Centre for Further Training, and Volyn Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education.


The majority of the registered participants (around 100 people) managed to complete the planned work and obtained their certificates; namely, they studied the European Union at training sessions lasting 48 hours of auditory work and 12 hours of independent work each (2 ECTS credits). The modules of material were as follows: Introduction to European Integration (its History, Role in the World, and Institutional and Legal Basics); Financial Security of Functioning of the EU; Sectoral and Horizontal Policies of the EU; the EU Expansion and the Perspectives for Ukraine. There was a separate 10-hour module devoted to the specific needs of the target group.

The comparison of primary and final tests shows that the level of competences and skills of the participants have risen by more than 100%, proving the excellent result of the joint work. The coaches were the experts in the field of European integration, namely Andrii Boyar, Serhii Fedoniuk, Nataliia Romaniuk, Nataliia Karpchuk (Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University); Viktor Chuzhykov (Jean Monnet’s Professor of Kyiv National Economic University); Volodymyr Streltsov (Jean Monnet’s Professor of Kharkiv National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine); and Valentyna Vitiuk (Volyn Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education). The project was managed by Viktoriia Panas.


The training sessions were conducted online via Microsoft TEAMS and ZOOM. Among the participants were teachers of schools of Lyshche (Lutsk region), Merva (Horohiv region), Liublynets (Kovel region), Shatsk, and Lutsk (schools № 4, 11, 14, 21, 25, 26, 28); representatives of several offices and departments of Volyn Regional State Administration, State Court Administration of Ukraine in Volyn, State Migration Service Office of Ukraine in Volyn, Head Office of State Tax Service in Volyn, Head Office of Statistics in Volyn, Head Office of State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection, and State Agency for Fisheries in Volyn; as well as senior students and postgraduates of EENU, and professors of EENU, Lutsk National Technical University, and Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.


We are happy to congratulate the participants on the completion of the training, and to announce the events of the project for 2021 and 2022. For further details, please visit the website: 



Department of International Economic Relations and Project Management

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