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Fostering quality of education at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University: another milestone is reached

By Feoles, 21 June, 2022
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In June Academic IQ project team (Larysa Zasiekina, Olena Kotys, Andrii Boiar) took part in the «Academic Integrity and Quality Initiative» final event. The project lasted for 2 years and brought together 60 Ukrainian universities. In the course of the project our university managed to improve academic integrity practices and elaborated instruments for sustainable development of this vital element of educational quality.

Our work has been noticed by the Council of Europe. In December of 2021 the university was honored to receive Certificate of Commendation for University Education Quality Assurance Practices (Strasbourg, France). 


ЗасєкінаAt the beginning of the final event Yarema Bachynsky, American Council’s director, welcomed all the participants and wished everyone to keep fostering academic integrity. He also wished Ukraine to win in this horrible war with russia. He mentioned that he is proud of this project, because the participants managed to create a platform for communication and sharing experience that will help them embody the principles of academic integrity in Ukraine. During the sessions of the final event we had a chance to reflect on the experience we gained and share future plans. The main project outcomes, according to the participants’ feedbacks, were skills for using the tools for assessing and sharing the best practices to foster academic integrity. The Ukrainian participants strive to exchange their experience of implementing the principles of academic integrity and wish to involve students in their project teams.


Розбудова якості освіти в Університеті: ми подолали ще один етап

Notwithstanding the war, Ukrainian academic community is optimistic about the future and does everything it can to ensure the victory. Scott Whitmore, Assistant Cultural Affairs Attache, US Embassy in Ukraine, expressed high hopes that the project will continue. So do we!

Larysa Zasiekina,

Olena Kotys,

Andrii Boiar

Розбудова якості освіти в Університеті: ми подолали ще один етап