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Lesya’s People Visit the Defenders of Ukraine

By Feoles, 6 December, 2022
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December 6 is the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. On this occasion, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University organised a number of events. In particular, Rector Anatolii Tsos and Vice-Rector for Educational Work and Communication Nataliia Blahovirna visited the defenders of Ukraine, who are undergoing rehabilitation at one of Lutsk medical institutions.

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At the beginning of the event, the representatives of the Armed Forces were congratulated by the students of Lutsk Lyceum No. 1. The children presented the soldiers with drawings and read poems.

Afterwards, the rector, Anatolii Tsos, was invited to speak. 

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“We congratulate you on this holiday. Sincere gratitude to you, because but for your efforts we could not work, neither could our students study,” Rector summed up also inviting the military to study at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, noting that getting qualification is a unique opportunity for social adaptation.

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After that, a bandurists trio “Dyvostruny” gave a performance. Patriotic songs were played for the participants of the event. “We want to cheer you up and present patriotic songs,” said Myroslava Stochanska, Associate Professor of the Department of Musical Practical and Performance Training.

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