It has become a good tradition to hold a school for young teachers of Polish and English for students of the specialty 014 “Secondary education (Polish language and literature)” at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. For the second time, students meet with graduates of Lutsk Polonistics, who connected their lives with pedagogical activities, in particular with teaching foreign languages in general secondary education institutions.
The first day of classes at the Spring School was spent in the company of Anzhelika Hnatyuk, a Polish language teacher at Lutsk Modest Levitsky Gymnasium № 4 Lutsk City Council of Volyn region. Despite the fact that Ms. Angelica graduated from the University only in 2020, she has been already teaching Polish for four years. During the meeting, the teacher together with the students discussed the pros and cons of the teaching profession, the importance of constant self-improvement and the peculiarities of working with children of different age categories. Ms. Anzhelika drew attention of the participants of the Spring School that students have a good sense of who comes to their class: an employee who fulfills his duties, or a friend, an enthusiast of a business he is passionate about, in which he invests his soul. "I love children, that's why I like the profession of a teacher. Children are our most demanding teachers, who do not allow us to be uninteresting or boring," Ms. Anzhelika admitted to the audience.
Khrystyna Babii, a master’s student at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University and Jan Dlugosh University of Humanities and Natural Sciences, and at the same time a third-year Polish teacher at Charukiv and Horodyshche Lyceums of Lutsk district of Volyn region, spent the second day of classes at the Spring School, where the participants discussed the difficulties on the way of a young teacher and methods of solving them, found out how it is possible to combine study and work. Ms. Khrystyna shared her impressions and experience with younger colleagues: "I have been met by wonderful staff. I have had good mentors who have always helped, advised and supported me. Communication with students gives energy, an incentive for personal improvement." Khrystyna Babii noted that teaching requires constant professional development, improvement of practical skills, search for means, forms and methods of working with children - interesting, accessible and effective. "In educational activities, it is very important to be able to communicate, feel the needs and peculiarities of each child, promote motivation and the desire to learn. The joy of the students’ success becomes the joy of the teacher and brings incredible satisfaction from the chosen profession," the teacher added.
Olena Bazylyuk, a teacher of Polish and English at Lutsk Lyceum No. 3 Lutsk City Council of Volyn region, during the third day of classes at the Spring School, shared with the students the experience of conducting binary lessons, using interactive exercises and games. The teacher prepared an interesting presentation that systematized students’ knowledge of foreign language teaching methods and highlighted the most important practical problems. Ms. Olena noted that in her pedagogical work, she likes the feedback of children, the creative component of teaching.
The work of the Spring School of future teachers of Polish and English languages was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Philology and Journalism, Liliia Lavrynovych, who shared the memories of her years as a teacher, emphasized the importance of the connection among students and graduates of the specialty, thanked Yuliia Vaseyko, Associate Professor of the Department of Polish Studies and Translation, the guarantor of educational and professional program “Secondary education. Polish Language”, for organizing such an informative didactic event. It is worth noting that the moderators of the meetings were 2nd year students Darina Newar, Taras Matsyakh, Solomiia Newar, who managed to create a space for productive dialogue. All participants of the Spring School of Future Polish and English Language Teachers will receive certificates. We express our sincere thanks to our graduates, who contribute to the formation of very interesting and valuable traditions of Lutsk Polonist family.
Juliia Vaseyko,
Associate Professor of the Department of Polish Studies and Translation,
the guarantor of educational and professional program "Secondary education. Polish Language"