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Table Tennis University Championship

By redactor, 1 December, 2014
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On November, 24-26th 2014, a table tennis championship was held in Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University. Fourteen teams from the EENU Faculties or Institutes and from College of Technology, Business and Law participated in the competition. Each team consisted of two boys and one girl.

The competition was held in a circular system and lasted three days. As a result, the first place winners were from the Faculty of Geography (Oleksandr Sakovets, Oleksandr Myroniuk, Nataliia Sardachuk), the team of the Faculty of  Mathematics (Iurii Bulan, Roman Korolik, Iryna Nizhnyk) won the second place, and the third place winners were from the Faculty of Physics (Oksana Kucha, Oleksandr Zinhel, Roman Koshulynskyi).

Serhii Mudryk, Associate Professor of the Health and Physical Education Department, was the chief judge of the competition.


Andrii BUHVAL,

Department of Health and Physical Education

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