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The TEMPUS programme

By redactor, 5 April, 2013
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Tempus is the programme introduced and financed by the European Union. It supports the modernisation of higher education in the Partner Countries of Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Western Balkans and the Mediterranean region. The goal of Tempus is to expand an area for cooperation in the field of higher education between the EU and the Partner Countries. Creating universities’ financial autonomy and fostering their structural reforming are among its special aims.

The ATHENA project being supported by the European University Association (EUA) and co-funded by the European Commission under the Tempus programme, aims to develop modernisation of higher education institutions in the Eastern Neighbouring partner countries, in particular, Ukraine, Armenia, and Moldova. 
The ATHENA’s action is focused on:
• fostering the transfer of the neighbours’ experience to promote efficient governance and funding reforms;
• creating the capacities of universities in the partner countries to modernise the management of financial and human resources;
• enhancing the quality of higher education systems along with increasing the partner universities’ awareness of and convergence with EU educational standards.

The ATHENA project partnership includes:

• Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
• National Rectors' Council of Ukraine
• Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European (Volyn) National University
• Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (coordinator for Ukraine)
• Donetsk National University
• Illia Mechnykov Odessa National University
• Ministry of Education of Moldova
• National Rectors` Council of Moldova
• Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (regional coordinator and coordinator for Moldova)
• Free International
University of Moldova
Cahul State University B.P. Hasdeu
• Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia
• State Universities Rector Council
• Yerevan State University (coordinator for Armenia)
• Gavar State University
• State Engineering University of Armenia
European Union
• European University Association (Project coordinator)
• University of Coimbra, Portugal
• Instituto Politecnico de Coimbra, Portugal
• University of Helsinki, Finland
• Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Finland
• University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands

The ATHENA project runs from October 2012 until October 2015.

Professor Larysa Zasiekina
