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Three new “Erasmus+” projects are at Lesya Ukrainka University

By Feoles, 5 August, 2022
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The European Commission has announced the final review of the project applications on competitive sets basis submitted for consideration at the beginning of this year.

There is good news for the university community! From three submitted The “Erasmus+” programme projects three winners have been selected: two Jean Monnet module projects (a short teaching programme (or course) in the field of European studies) and one Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence project, (a centre of competence and knowledge on European Union issues working for the development of synergies between different disciplines and resources of the European Studies, creating joint transnational activities, ensuring openness to civil society Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence playing an important role in the students’ achievement from faculties not normally involved in the European Union issues, as well as for politicians, civil servants, organised civil society and public in general).

All projects will be implemented at the University within the next three years.

We congratulate the project coordinators, professors Andrii Boyar, Serhii Zasiekin and Larisa Zasiekina, wishing them inspiration in the implementation of project activities!

We are working together for the victory and pursue the European future of our country!

Rector's Office

Три нових проєкти «Еразмус+» – в Університеті імені Лесі Українки