In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine as of November 20, 2023 No. 1435 «On the appointment of state scholarships to the best young scientists for the perpetuation of the events of the Revolution of Dignity and commemoration of the feat of the Heroes of Ukraine – Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred for 2024, three young female scientists of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University will receive state scholarships for the following nominations:
– scholarship named after Dmytro Maksymov – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of Department of Botany and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences Fishchuk Oksana Serhiyivna;
– scholarship named after Nazarii Voytovych – Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of General and Clinical Psychology Nataliia Serhiyivna Kostrub;
– scholarship named after Roman Huryk – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Department of World History Razygraiev Oleh Volodymyrovych.
We congratulate the laureates and wish to further develop Ukrainian science, defend the national interests of Ukraine and be worthy of the memory of the Heroes of Ukraine – the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred!
Research Unit