Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University delegation is in Great Britain, the English university city of Cambridge.
Lesya’s people guided by Rector Anatolii Tsos contributed to the implementation of the “UK–Ukraine. Twinning Grant Scheme” international project at Anglia Ruskin University.
Among the 30 members of Volyn landing force in England are 15 leaders and 15 post-graduate and doctoral students of the university, in particular Rector Anatolii Tsos himself, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work and International Cooperation Liudmila Yelisieieva, Vice-Rector for Educational Work and Communication Nataliia Blahovirna.
The project will last until August 27 and is fully funded by the United Kingdom. It is aimed at improving the quality of doctoral supervision training; professional training of academic supervisors regarding management of graduate students' research projects; ensuring quality training of graduate students and doctoral students.
The programme’s implementation involves lectures by leading British practitioners in the field of scientific management, discussions, meetings with educational and scientific workers and the administration of ARU in Cambridge, learning the system of higher education in Great Britain, in particular doctoral programmes, issues of supervisory ethics and more.
On the first day, the participants were engaged in identifying the main problems of scientific management and determining its perspectives. A discussion of the educational and scientific programmes of Lesya’s University was held.
Anatolii Tsos, Rector of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, mentioned that the recommendations of Ukrainian and foreign colleagues would be taken into account in the future. “The main conclusion of the first day: we have something to be proud of and something to work on. After the trip, we are waiting for the feedback from the graduate students, because this project was created with care for them,” Rector said.
Lesya’s University head also shared his impressions of the first day of work in Cambridge: “The system of higher education is based on research and the undisputed authority of a researcher. And the question that there are many scientists, institutions of higher education or students in the country causes surprise and misunderstanding of the question's essence. Education and science are the key to the development and progress of the state. And the more educated people, the better for a society.
Scientific work and preparation of theses are aimed at discovering new knowledge. Therefore, during the defense of a thesis, the first thing to do is to prove that new knowledge has been obtained. In scientific work, extremely great attention is paid to research methodology (this is the most important thing), systematic discussion of the latest articles on the topic of the dissertation.”
By establishing partnership relations and research both ARU (Cambridge) and Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University strive for a constant improvement of the quality of education.
Information Policy Office