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University students – winners of the All-Ukrainian Competition of Inventive and Innovative Science and Ecology Projects

By Feoles, 23 March, 2022
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Congratulations to Andrii Prykhodko and Nazar Grabets, second-year students of the Educational and Scientific Institute for Physics and Technology of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University and to the project leader Oleksandr Martyniuk, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Experimental Physics, Information and Educational Technologies Department! They participated in the All-Ukrainian Competition of Inventive and Innovative Science and Ecology Projects, in the age category from 16 to 23, in the section "Physics" and have won this competition with the project "Device for experimental study of the problem of two magnetic spheres".

We wish everyone peace, new ideas, and success in all future endeavors!

Research Department

Студенти Університету – переможці Всеукраїнського конкурсу винахідницьких і раціоналізаторських проєктів еколого-натуралістичного напряму