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Young scientists of the University: the way to success

By Feoles, 12 July, 2022
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One of the priorities for the development of science at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University is the support and involvement of talented and advanced youth in scientific research activities. Today, the University has formed excellent community-oriented young people who actively implement their professional skills at a high level, both in Ukraine and abroad.

A vivid example of a successful young scientist- professional is Larysa Makaruk, the dean of the faculty of Foreign Philology, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, author of more than 130 scientific works, and the editor-in-chief of the specialized scientific journal “Actual issues of foreign philology”.

– Mrs. Larysa, your scientific interests concern the issues of visualization, multimodality, translation, and applied linguistics. What research topic are you currently working on? What has already been done?

– All my scientific investigations, in general, are in the realm of multimodality. It is pleasant and significant that I am actually one of the first researchers in Ukraine whose studies are focused on non-verbal means of communication. When I started, many colleagues were quite skeptical about such searches but now, this subject is gaining more and more momentum, which confirms its undeniable relevance to today's challenges. In the Candidate's degree thesis, the emphasis is laid on pictograms and ideograms that function in the English mass media, while in the Doctoral thesis, it is on the spectrum of all possible resources of non-verbal and para-verbal nature which are used in media discourse.

I am pleased that at one time, the choice of the research topic was exactly that. I am convinced that if you work on your favorite thing and it appeals internally, the result is much better and more effective. In this aspect, I am very much satisfied because I put all my soul into scientific research. Each new exploration is a step forward, it is an inspiration, a stimulus, and a moment when it is worth analyzing critically what has been done and trying to research something new and more promising.

Multimodality is the area that enables quick adaptation to the most relevant searches in accordance with today's challenges. For the third year in a row, I have been studying the specific features of small-form infographic texts concerning COVID-19. During this period, a number of articles and theses were published, and some reports were delivered at national and foreign conferences. The monograph, in which I intend to summarize all the research findings, will become the final step of the investigation.

At the same time, during the last two months, I have been studying visual means of representation of the image of Ukraine in respectable publications in English. Politics has always had its own influence on all aspects of human life. Therefore, this influence is clearly visible in the change in foreign politicians' rhetoric in favor of Ukraine, the positive dynamics of the changes in its status, and its undeniable recognition in contrast to previous events. In this sphere, I am taking only the first steps, feeling indescribable pain for my country and, at the same time, proud that I am Ukrainian. Through the prism of multimodality, I become more and more confident that the chosen research vectors ensure effective work with the material, which arouses considerable interest in the public and allows me as a linguist to keep up with the time and not let the work stop for a moment...

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– You are the author of a number of articles in prestigious foreign publications and you are an active participant in international conferences on a grant basis. What do these events give you as a scientist? Share your own experience with searching for interesting conferences, finding platforms for international communication, and opportunities for publications in international journals?

– My scientific career abroad began in 2010, when I first participated in a conference for postgraduates in Poland. It was a completely new experience: submitting theses, a lengthy peer-review process, receiving a confirmation letter, participating in the event, and the final result – the publication of a single chapter in the first collective monograph at Cambridge Scholars Publishing. In fact, since that event, I have been actively participating in scientific events abroad in Europe (Germany, Poland, Great Britain, Denmark, Hungary, Lithuania, etc.). They are fundamentally different from the Ukrainian ones, as they involve an almost a year-long selection process. At the same time, they open up opportunities to be side by side with luminaries whose works are the most cited and widely-known, to cooperate and establish international ties, and to be aware of the current linguistic trends.

I received grants for most of the events. Some of them implied partial or full financial support from the host party. The topic of the selected report and its scientific level play a decisive role. The materials are always reviewed by two or three reviewers, and a motivational letter is also a very important thing. In it, I traditionally motivate how important for me this event is and how it will affect my further scientific and teaching activities.

As for the selection of conferences, I advise using the official resources of foreign institutions or specially-developed platforms for conference events on the corresponding narrow-specialized topic. I would advise everyone to try themselves in such events, go through all the necessary stages and understand how difficult and at the same time pleasant it is to communicate with famous scientists, listen to their reports, and participate in discussion. Especially, when there are no communication barriers, when, regardless of regalia, scholars discuss and express their own vision of the issue under discussion. As a result of fruitful work – the publication of the research paper in a journal of world-class!

Currently, the publication on the Scimago Journal Country Rank website is a priority for me. There you can find detailed information about the journal, check the quartile of the publication, etc. I recommend everyone to use this resource.

Молоді вчені Університету: шлях до успіху

– In 2019 and 2020, you headed the Council of Young Scientists of our University, and today you are a member of the Council of Young Scientists at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Tell us, please, what advantages does membership in the CYS in a higher education institution provide for a young scientist?

– Whenever it comes to a managerial position, I understand the responsibility of the position and the image results of my work. Regardless of the period of membership at CYS and the status of our higher education institution, it is extremely pleasant for me to work with the young elite of the University. You can always share new and innovative achievements in your field and arouse everyone’s interest. The Council unites young researchers who have common scientific interests and the motivation to work in a team implementing their ideas. Therefore, it is, first of all, a big university circle of acquaintances, representatives of all faculties.  Highlighting the problems that young scientists face is invaluable work experience, from the lowest to the highest level.

Молоді вчені Університету: шлях до успіху

– Will you briefly tell us about your personal activities in the Council of Young Scientists at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine? What does working at the Ministry of Education and Science mean to you? What are the opportunities that the Council of Young Scientists provides for young researchers of our University?

– I joined the Council of Young Scientists at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in 2020 as an associate member and from September 2021, I became a member of the council. During this period, I participated in several initiatives and events that were implemented under the promotion of the CYS at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Now, I am coordinating new projects that have the status of international, working on expanding opportunities for cooperation of Ukrainian scientists with Elsevier. I provide consultations for all those interested in an internship in Great Britain and carry out preparatory procedures for a summer school for young Ukrainian scientists (Poland). This is the most important aspect of my activity now. But there are many other ones that require vigilance and attention and motivate us not to be silent. The opinion of every scientist is important, and, what is significant, it is heard and taken into account.

The Council of Young Scientists at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine systematically initiates and conducts events in which anyone can participate. On the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Ukraine, my colleagues and I have created a new tab “Activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Ukraine under martial law” which we fill with relevant information, including grant proposals offered to us by foreign colleagues in various fields in view of the difficult situation in Ukraine. The site also contains information about foreign language courses and opportunities to support our students in their professional development, provided both in Ukraine and abroad.

Молоді вчені Університету: шлях до успіху

– Mrs. Larysa! Recently, as a representative of CYS at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, you were an official delegate at the meeting of the European Council of Postgraduate Students and Young Researchers Eurodoc, in Vilnius. According to the election results, you were elected there as a co-coordinator of the Eurodoc working group Research and Society. Tell us more details about it.

Actually, it was a completely new experience for me. I have been involved in the work on individual Eurodoc projects on several occasions but never participated in person. I will say frankly – I really liked it because it enables the implementation of various initiatives at the international level, in cooperation with foreign colleagues. I expressed a desire to join one of the working groups. My candidacy, as well as the candidacies of other colleagues, was approved by voters, so we will work together with representatives of different countries throughout the year. We hope that we will be able to realize what we have planned. First of all, these are projects aimed at supporting young scientists and the importance of their research for society on a global scale.

Молоді вчені Університету: шлях до успіху

– What projects are you planning to work on? What do you dream about as a young scientist?

 A more detailed study of the positioning of the image of Ukraine by visual means in the English-language mass media remains topical for me. I see a perspective and the possibility of obtaining new results in this, although the process itself is rather complicated. Of course, we are working hard to develop a number of new projects initiated by the CYS of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The Council is a center of proactive and promising young people who have many ideas and inspiration, and they know how to work tirelessly and effectively for the benefit of Ukraine.

I would like to implement my own scientific micro-project financed by foreign institutions. It is important to note that it might become beneficial not only for me personally, but also for the University. My postgraduate and Master's degree students are also involved in research into multimodality. In the future, we plan to found a scientific school. Volyn, in particular Lesya Ukrainka University and the Faculty of Foreign Philology, have always been the starting point for active research.

As a young scientist, I dream of preparing and publishing several one-author, promising, and relevant English-language publications in highly specialized linguistic journals of the most progressive publishing houses in the world: John Benjamins Publishing Company, Sage Publishing, Routledge, Cambridge University Press, De Gruyter, etc. Later, it is possible to complete an internship abroad. I have never had such an experience either.

Молоді вчені Університету: шлях до успіху

What would you advise young scientists to succeed in their research?

The success of each of us depends on ourselves. First of all, it depends on our desire and motivation. My scientific success is equivalent to tireless work, so only those who constantly work on themselves can achieve results. The main thing is to work on something that brings satisfaction, not to pay attention to failures but keep moving forward, and success will come. Use all opportunities, try to spend every day with benefit, rationally allocate time, appreciate it, and do something that will bring you at least a small step closer to the goal. Never stop at what you have achieved because any stop, even a very short one, requires a long recovery of the previous level.

 I am constantly inspired by the words of John F. Kennedy: “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” 

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Scientific Research Department

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