Lesya’s Psychologists Cooperate with Defenders of Ukraine

Lesya’s Psychologists Cooperate with Defenders of Ukraine

By Feoles, 3 February, 2023
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The representatives of the Department of Practical Psychology and Psychodiagnostics of the Faculty of Psychology of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University actively support and cooperate with military personnel who defend the Motherland from russian occupiers. An event was held lately to provide moral and psychological support structure for the officers of the 204th Sevastopol Tactical Aviation Brigade named after Oleksandr Pokryshkin, to acquire theoretical and practical skills of work with subordinate personnel. Lyudmyla Mahdysyuk, Head of Department of Practical Psychology and Psychodiagnostics, and Antonii Melnyk, Associate Professor of the department, worked with the military.

At the end of the event, Lyudmila Mahdysyuk, Antonii Melnyk and Rector of University, Anatolii Tsos, received thanks from the command of the military unit for active citizenship, significant personal contribution to maintaining combat readiness, patriotism and devotion to the chosen cause, well-organised support of the military unit repeling large-scale russian aggression.

It is worth noting that the cooperation between the representatives of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University and militaries of the 204th Sevastopol Tactical Aviation Brigade named after Oleksandr Pokryshkin is carried out on the basis of previously signed agreement between Rector and the Commander of the military unit.






The representatives of Department of Practical Psychology and Psychodiagnostics provide their services as volunteer psychologists, also for representatives of other military units with a firm belief in the victory of Ukraine and a desire to facilitate its approach.

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