Graduate year
Graduate institution
Lesya Ukrainka Volyn State University
Doctor of biological Science by speciality Human and Animal Physiology
PhD (Doctor of Science) PhDMSc
Year of obtaining degree
Institution, which provided scientific degree
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Brain processes during execution of manual movements in individuals with different characteristics of α-rhythm
Year of EENU work start
Courses taught
Phisiology of Motor Activity, Phisiology of Neurvous system, Hunan and Animal Phisiology, Basics of Pathophysiology
Number of scientific publications
140, including textbooks, educational and methodical developments- 13; monographs - 2; articles in professional Ukrainian and foreign journals and assemblage of scientific works - 122; Patents - 3.
Member of:
Federation of European Neuroscience Societies, Ukrainian physiological societies, Ukrainian Society for Neuroscience.
Scientific interests
Individual peculiarities of neurophysiological providing manual human movements.
Academic status : Senior lecturer of chair of Human and Animal Physiology.
Post, place of work: Professor, Head of chair of Human and Animal Physiology Eastern National University named after Lesya Ukrainian.
Grants, awards, memberships in scientific societies:
2007 - Diploma of Volyn Regional Council;
2009 - Diploma of MES of Ukraine;
2012 - Silver breastplate Eastern National University named after Lesya Ukrainka;
2013 - Diploma Education and Science Department of Volyn Regional State Administration;
2015 - Breastplate "Excellence in Education Ukraine";
2015 - Gold a breastplate Eastern National University named after Lesya Ukrainka.
Science projects funded by the state budget:
№ 0196U00662, 1998 - 2002 .;
№ 0111U002143, 2011 - 2013
Scolar of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, 2006 - 2008 was.
Main Publications:
1. System organization of integrative processes of cognitive activity: Collective monograph. / Kotsan I.Ya., Shvajko S.Ye., Kozachuk H.O., Poruchynsky A.I., Morenko A.G. at al. – Lutsk: Lesya Ukrainka Volun State Universitet, 2008. – 296 p. In Ukraine
2. Features of brain processes during providing manual movements in response to sensory signals in people with high and low alpha-frequency: monograph. / Morenko A.G. – Lutsk: Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National Universitet Easterneuropian, 2014. – 216 p. In Ukraine
3. Cortical activation processes in men with high and low output frequency of individual alpha rhythm during sensorimotor activities of varying complexity. / Morenko A.G., Pavlovych O.S., Kotsan I. Ya. // Phisiology Journal. – 2013. – V 59, № 5. – P. 41–49. In Ukraine
4. Morenko A. G. Electrical activity of the distal muscles of the hand in men having high or low output alpha-frequencies while performing usual manual movements in response to sensory signals. / A. G. Morenko // Annales of neurosciences. – 2013. – V. 20, No 3. – P. 90–94.
5. Morenko A. G. Brain processes during the perception of sensory signals in men with high and low output α-frequencies / A. G. Morenko // An. of neurosciences. – 2014. – V. 21, No 4. – P. 144–149.
6. Morenko A. G. Background Activity of the Cerebral Cortex and Superficial Muscles of the Fingers in Men with Different Levels of Individual EEG α-Frequency. / A. G. Morenko, O. S. Pavlovych, O. A. Kotyk, O. R. Dmytrotsa, I. Ya. Kotsan // Journal of Life Sciences, 2013. – V. 7, № 10 – P. 1048–1052.
Main educational and methodical developments :
1. Physiology of the neuromuscular system: textbook / Kotsan I. Ya., Morenko A.G. / Lutsk: Lesya Ukrainka Volun State Universitet, 2006. – 184 p.
Patents :
Assessment method of sensorimotor human capabilities / Kotsan I. Ya., Morenko A.G., Pavlovych O. S. //Pat. 87632 Ukrain, MPK (2014.01) А 61В 5/00; U 2013 11312, publ. 10.02.2014, newslet. № 3, 2014 р., applicant and patentee Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National Universitet . In Ukraine
Assessment method of coherence of electroencephalogram fluctuations / Kotsan I. Ya., Morenko A.G., Pavlovych O. S. // Pat. 89604 Ukrain, MPK (2014.01) А 61В 5/00; U 2013 13989; publ. 25.04.2014, newslet. № 8, 2014 р., applicant and patentee Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National Universitet . In Ukraine
Assessment method of rhythmic sense on indices of background EEG / Kotsan I. Ya., Morenko A.G., Pavlovych O. S.// Pat. 94815 Ukrain, MPK (2014.01) А 61В 5/00 ; U 2013 13746, publ. 10.12.2014, newslet. № 23, 2014 р., applicant and patentee Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National Universitet . In Ukraine