Labor protection department

Labor protection department

By Developer, 13 September, 2024
Переглянути на сайті
13 Voly Avenue, Lutsk, 43025, office A133

Functions of the labor protection department

1. Developing, together with other university departments, comprehensive measures to achieve the established standards and improve the existing level of occupational safety, plans, programs to improve working conditions, prevent injuries and occupational diseases, providing organizational and methodological assistance in the implementation of planned activities.

2. The Head of the Department of Labor Protection and Life Safety together with the Head of the Civil Defense Staff organizes dosimetric monitoring in case of threat and occurrence of emergency situations of man-made and natural character and liquidation of their consequences in order to ensure the safety of life of students and employees of the University.

3.  Preparing draft orders on labor protection and life safety, submitting them to the Rector for consideration.

4.  Conducting inspections together with representatives of other structural subdivisions with the participation of representatives of the university trade union of compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts on labor protection by employees.

5.  Preparing reports on labor protection in accordance with the established forms.
6.  Conducting an introductory briefing on labor protection with employees.

7. Investigating cases of injuries, keeping records and analyzing the causes of injuries and occupational diseases.

8.  Training and testing of knowledge on occupational health and safety of students, postgraduates, and university employees.

9. Drawing up, with the participation of heads of university departments, lists of professions, positions and types of work for which occupational safety and health instructions should be developed within the university, providing methodological assistance in their development.

10. Informing employees about the basic requirements of laws and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection in force within the university.

11.  Consideration of letters, applications, complaints of university employees concerning compliance with labor protection legislation.

12.  Organization:

- Provision of units with regulatory legal acts and acts on labor protection, operating within the university, manuals, training materials on these issues;

- work of the office on labor protection, preparation of information stands, corners on labor protection, etc;

- meetings, seminars, competitions, etc. on labor protection issues;

- propaganda on occupational safety and health with the use of information means.

Officials of the Labor Protection Department:

Head of the Labor Protection Department - Mykola Danylovych NEGODIUK, tel. 0502408807

Engineer Ik of the Occupational Health and Safety Department - Igor Valchuk, tel,

Civil Protection Specialist - Andriy Ivanovych MORGUN, tel. 0955406797

Fire safety engineer of the Ik department - Anatoliy Panasovich Svirsky


Working hours of the department:

Monday - Thursday: 9:00-18:00

Friday: 9:00-17:00

Lunch break: 13:00-13:48

Saturday and Sunday are days off.


Documentation on labor protection issues:

Інструкції ОП_43-47_заг_0.pdf

Інструкція № 76 Польова Практика.pdf

Інструкція з ОП №1.pdf



План і Програма_навч_працівн_ВНУ.pdf

Положення Про Комісію з ОП.pdf

Положення про навчання.pdf

Положення про організ.ОПтаБЖД_осв.процес.pdf




Організація безпечного освітнього середовища в умовах воєнного стану.pdf
