Head of the General Department - Lytvyniuk Liudmyla Vitaliivna (tel. 0332 24 00 18)
Head of the Archive - Valentyna Hryhorivna Yemchyk (tel. 0332 72 54 41)
Senior inspector for monitoring the execution of assignments - Oksana Hryhorivna Bob
Senior inspector - Alina Viktorivna Stepaniuk
The main areas of work of the general department are:
1. Receipt, registration, preliminary review, transfer of documents for signature to the management and for execution in other structural units of the University.
2. Registration and sending according to destination of outgoing correspondence.
3. Monitoring the preparation and execution of documents and their timely execution.
4. Keeping records and ensuring control over the timely consideration of oral and written appeals of citizens.
5. Ensuring storage of incoming, outgoing, administrative and other documents.
6. Ensuring the production, accounting, and storage of forms, the University seal, seals and stamps of the department.
7. Issuance of training certificates to full-time students.
8. Preparation and registration of rector's orders.
9. Ensuring the work of the University archive.
10. Development of a nomenclature of cases.
11. Ensuring the implementation of control over the correctness of registration and storage of cases in structural subdivisions.
To receive:
- a certificate of education (income) must be filled in a Google form. Additional information can be found at the link: https://vnu.edu.ua/uk/news/suspilstvo/shanovni-studenty-informatsiya-shchodo-otrymannya-dovidok or by phone number: 0332 24 00 18;
- archival certificates confirming the fact of study or period of work must be personally addressed to the university archive (Lutsk, Voli Ave. 13, room 128), or sent to the general postal or email address of the university (post@vnu.edu.ua) a statement written in one's own hand according to the sample.
Work schedule:
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 - 18:00
Friday: 9:00 - 17:00
Lunch break: 13:00-13:48
Saturday and Sunday are days off.