Museum of Archeology of Lesya Ukrainka University

Museum of Archeology of Lesya Ukrainka University

By Developer, 12 September, 2024
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St. Chopina, 24, aud. 401, 403, 404 (building D)

Museum of Archeology of Volyn National University named after Lesya Ukrainka

History of the museum. The history of the museum's creation began on March 17, 1975, with an official submission by Assoc.Kuchinka M. M. A room was allocated to accommodate the museum exposition. On March 9, 1977, the opening of the museum took place in the former building of the Faculty of History on St. Lenina, 2 (now Voli Ave.). The exposition was placed on self-made racks, however, it was designed according to the chronological principle adopted in archeology. There was not enough material at that time, because the excavations were carried out only in the third year. Gradually, the materials accumulated and the exposition expanded. Over time, she could no longer fit in one room and there was a need for an additional room.

In 1979, the Faculty of History was transferred to the then central building of the Pedagogical Institute on St. Sovietanska, 84 (now Vynnychenka St.). Then, with the help of rector N. V. Burchak, a large lecture hall was allocated for the museum, museum showcases with electric lighting, a diorama, a model of an ancient Russian settlement, and an archaeological map of Volyn were made. The museum acquired a classic appearance and became a place for exhibiting archaeological monuments of the Volyn region from ancient times to the Middle Ages inclusive. Excursions were held in the museum for students of Volyn schools, students of higher educational institutions and lovers of antiquity not only of Ukraine, but also of other republics of the Union at that time. According to the book, there were several thousand visitors' reviews. Thanks to the work of the expedition of the Lutsk Pedagogical Institute, the number of museum exhibits increased every year.

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In 1994, the Faculty of History was moved to new premises on the street.Chopin, 24. At the same time, it was moved to a new building and archeology museum. Its exposition is located in two classrooms, which at the same time serve for student education. In 2003, the candidate of historical sciences, associate professor H. V. Okhrimenko, who is now the head of the archaeological group, became the head of the museum. In 2004, a new head was appointed. of the museum, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Petrovych V. V. On March 30, 2005, the Museum of Archeology received a certificate and passport registered by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, thanks to the petition of Assoc. Petrovych V. V. In 2005, head Art. became a museum. off Yatsechko-Blazhenko T.V.In 2010, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine awarded the museum the title "Exemplary Museum" for its significant contribution to the education of pupils and students, the increase of national cultural heritage, the preservation of the historical heritage of the Ukrainian people and the Museum Fund of Ukraine, the promotion of historical and cultural monuments and nature. In 2013, Zoryana Mykhaylivna Kuchynko was appointed head of the museum, who heads the museum today.

The exposition of the archaeological museum is rich and well-designed, the basis of which is 21 thematic sections: 1. Paleolithic. 2. The Mesolithic. 3. The Neolithic. 4. The Copper Age. 5. Bronze Age. 6. Iron Age. 7. Eastern Slavs. 8. Ancient Rus'. 9. Volyn of the 14th - 16th centuries. 10. Old Lutsk. 11. Methodology of archaeological research. 12. Archaeological map of Volyn. 13. Human evolution. 14. Volyn archeology researchers. 15. Spiritual culture of Volyn. 16. Heraldry of Volyn. 17. New acquisitions of Volyn. 18. Works of archaeologists of the department. 19. The days of the Middle Ages. 20. Numismatics and spragistics. 21. Exhibition of new finds of archaeologists of the department.

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The museum carries out scientific and educational work, involving students and pupils from schools of the city and region. On the pages of the book of reviews, you can read many good words that convey the emotions of its visitors. Since September 2013, 139 reviews have been recorded in the book.

During its operation, the museum was visited by guests from Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Germany, Russia, and Belarus.The head remains a scientific consultant to this day. Department of Archaeology, Ancient and Medieval History of Ukraine, prof., d.i. n. Mykhailo Mykhailovych Kuchynko.

Date of establishment: 09.03.1977

Date of receipt of certificate and passport: – 30.05.2005;

Founder, owner: Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University

Main excursions:

1. Famous archaeologists of Volyn.

2. History of archaeological discoveries in Volyn.

3. History of the creation and functioning of the Museum of Archaeology.

4. Archaeological sights of Volyn.

5. Numismatic collection of the museum.

Educational services: archaeological circle (students of the Faculty of History).

The head of the archeology group: candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Hryhoriy Vasyliovych Okhrimenko.

Head of the museum: Kuchynko Zoryana Mykhailivna.

Museum Profile: Archaeological.

Form of ownership: state.

Status: University Museum.

Opening hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:15 a.m. to 5:15 p.m., Friday: 8:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.

Museum admission: Free.
