Rehabilitation Clinic, Center of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy of Volyn National University named after Lesya Ukrainka

Rehabilitation Clinic, Center of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy of Volyn National University named after Lesya Ukrainka

By Developer, 27 December, 2024
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43025, Lutsk, str. Yaroschuka, 30

In 2018, the Rehabilitation Clinic of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University was opened. The organizer and head of the clinic was Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Lyakh Yury Yeremiyovych. Since 2019, the head of the Rehabilitation Clinic is Nataliya Yaroslavivna, candidate of biological sciences.

The creation of the Rehabilitation Clinic was caused by the need of the labor market for qualified specialists in physical therapy and occupational therapy, since the training of such specialists requires practical skills in the application of various methods and means of rehabilitation. In addition to ensuring the educational process, the University Rehabilitation Clinic is a base for conducting scientific research by teachers and graduate students of the department.

The main task and areas of activity of the clinic are the organization and provision of rehabilitation assistance to outpatients with disorders of the musculoskeletal system; development and implementation of rehabilitation technologies and maximum use of modern information technologies.

Thanks to grant activities, the clinic is equipped with modern equipment modeled after the best European healthcare institutions.

Clinic employees maintain close ties with leading scientists and doctors of Ukraine and Europe, take an active part in conferences, congresses, and symposia. Within the scope of cooperation with the German Foundation "Memory, Responsibility, Future" - Meeting place: Dialog/EVZ Stifung Erinnerung, Verantwortung, Zukunft - Treffpunkt Dialog, the project "Increasing the physical activity of the elderly through leading a healthy lifestyle and communicating with young people" was implemented » (the total cost of the project is EUR 10,000.00).

Thanks to the support of the Czech government as part of the project "Improving the rehabilitation and methodical process by modernizing the physiotherapy equipment at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University" (the total cost of the project - 15,583.45 euros), the rehabilitation clinic was equipped with the most modern technical equipment.

The clinic cooperates with health care institutions of the city of Lutsk, such as: Volyn Regional Clinical Hospital, Volyn Regional Children's Hospital, Lutsk Educational Rehabilitation Center, Volyn Center for Social Rehabilitation of Disabled Children, Lutsk Geriatric Boarding House. Volyn Regional War Veterans Hospital.

Departments of physiotherapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy, telemedicine, and balneology are functioning in the clinic.

The physiotherapy department is designed to provide complex therapy for patients. Treatment is carried out in accordance with modern principles and standards of physiotherapy. Such types of physiotherapeutic procedures as galvanization, darsonvalization, UHF therapy, amplipulse therapy (electrostimulation), electrophoresis of medicinal substances, electrosleep, diadynamotherapy, magnetotherapy, ultrasound therapy, and local UV radiation are carried out. In the patient department, a physiotherapist consults, who prescribes or adjusts the volume and types of physiotherapy treatment.

Qualified medical care is provided by the method of physical therapy in the rehabilitation of patients. Group classes are held, during which patients are introduced to therapeutic physical exercises, health systems and programs.

The creation of the telemedicine department significantly expanded the clinic's capabilities in providing consultations and carrying out the treatment process. It is thanks to telerehabilitation methods that medical control and diagnosis of patients is carried out in the clinic using remote communication, which significantly speeds up the process and increases its efficiency.

The department of physical therapy and occupational therapy specializes in the rehabilitation of patients of various categories. Treatment is carried out by using methods of kinesiotherapy, in particular, suspension therapy, mechanotherapy. Patients are provided with medical assistance by highly qualified specialists. The rehabilitation process in the department is provided by modern simulators, including rehabilitation complexes, a cage for hanging therapy, pendulum and rotary simulators.

The department of balneology is currently undergoing reconstruction.

Practical training of specialists on the basis of the clinic made it possible to create a multidisciplinary team and combine pedagogical, research and treatment processes.

In 2020, the Rehabilitation Clinic was reorganized into the Center for Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
