Faculty of Physical Education and Health

Faculty of Physical Education and Health

By Developer, 9 May, 2012
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About the faculty


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43000, Lutsk, Hrushevskoho avenue, 2-b
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About us
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Historical background
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The faculty was established in 1969. It was then when the Faculty of Physical Education of Lutsk State Pedagogical Institute started its functioning. In 1987, the faculty opened the department of initial military training and the military department was established and headed by colonel B.M. Lukashevych.

          In 1993, the military department was reorganized and students began training in other specialties. Because of the reorganization of the institute the faculty became part of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn State University in 1993, and the Institute of Physical Culture and Health was founded in 1994. Due to the introduction of the new standards of education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in 2017, the Institute of Physical Education, Sports and Health was renamed into the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Health.

          The first dean of the faculty in the 1969/1970 academic year was appointed the dean of the pedagogical faculty associate professor M. Kulykivsky. Later, the deans of the Faculty of Physical Education were associate professors B. E. Balko (1971), V. Palyga (1976), a senior lecturer V.M. Furman (1978), associate professor V.I. Zavatsky (1979), who received the title of professor in 1993, and in 1994 – the rank of corresponding member of UANMP, a professor O.I. Buzyun (1994), a professor E.N. Prystupa (1998), an associate professor M. Moroz (1999), an associate professor O. Bychuk (2005). Since 2019, the Faculty of Physical Education, Sports and Health has been headed by associate professor Vasyl Pantik.

The educational process at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Health is carried out by highly qualified specialists, among them are Doctors of Sciences, Professors Tsyos A.V., Vilchkovsky E.S., Belikova N.O., Andriychuk O.Ya., Alyoshyna A.I., Bychuk O.I.; 42 Candidates of Science and Associate Professors; Honoured Workers of Science and Technology, Professors Tsyos A.V., Vilchkovsky E.S.; Masters of Sport of International Class S. Kalytka and O. Kassarda; 4 Honoured Trainers of Ukraine, Associate Professors V. Yalovyk, R. Cherkashyn, M. Mordyk, A. Shevchuk; 3 Honored Workers of Physical Culture and Sport, Associate Professors R. Cherkashyn,  A. Shevchuk; 1 Internationally Certified Referee A. Kovalchuk; 14 Nationally Certified Referees; 10 Honoured Workers of Education.

          Within the period of the faculty’s existence more then 10 000 specialists were prepared. They include Honoured Workers of Science and Technology of Ukraine, 28 Honoured Trainers of Ukraine, 17 Honoured Workers of Physical Culture and Sport, 28 participants of the Olympic and Special Olympic Games, 6 Honoured Masters of Sport of the USSR and Ukraine, 28 internationally Certified Masters of Sport of Ukraine, 370 Masters of Sport of Ukraine, more than 5000 participants of the Championships of Ukraine, Europe, world; about 1400 winners and medallist of the World University Games, Ukraine Cups, Europe and world.

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Faculty Management
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Dean – Pantik Vasyl Vasylyovych – Candidate of Science in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor.

Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs –  Romanyuk Viktor Peyrovych, Candidate of Science in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor;

Deputy Dean for Educational Work – Ivaniuk Olga Andriivna, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor;

Deputy Dean for Information Policy and Promotion – Ischuk Olena Anatoliivna–, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor;

Deputy Dean of Innovation Grant and International Cooperation – Vashchuk Lyudmyla Mykolaivna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.


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Famous graduates
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For years of existence, the faculty has trained more than 10 000 highly qualified physical education and sports professionals, namely 17 professors;  78 associate professors; 67 Candidates of Sciences; 2 Honoured Workers of Science and technology; 21 participants of the Olympic and Special Olympic Games; 19 Honoured Coaches of Ukraine; 28 internationally recognized Masters of Sports of Ukraine and 370 Masters of Sports of Ukraine; thousands participants and winners of the Championships of Ukraine, Europe, and world.


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Material and technical base
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Dean’s Office
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 Zhukovska Natalia Volodymyrivna coordinator of full-time study.

 Phone number+38 (099) 2732072

 Boiko Lyudmyla Heorhiivna coordinator of extra-mural study

 Phone number+38 (050) 1046714

 Address: 43000, Lutsk, Vynnychenko str., 30 Office 120 (Building В).

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РОЗКЛАД НАВЧАЛЬНИХ ЗАНЯТЬ (денна, заочна форма навчання)
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Scientific Activity
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Scientific Activity
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       The faculty has scientific schools of leading Doctors of Sciences, Professors Anatoliy Tsos, Eduard Vilchkovskyi, Natalia Bielikova, Alla Aloshyna, in which doctoral and candidate dissertations are written.

          The faculty publishes the journal ’Physical Education, Sports and Health Culture in Modern Society’, which is a scientific professional publication of Ukraine and included in the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 528 dated May 5, 2015), and the journal ’Physical Education and Sports’ (Appendix 17 to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 747 dated July 5, 2015  ). In 2010 this publication was registered in the International Centre ISSN. ISSN 2410-2156 (Online), ISSN 2220-7481 (Print). The specified scientific journal may publish the results of dissertations for obtaining scientific degrees of Doctor or Candidate of Sciences (Doctor of Philosophy) in the fields of ’Pedagogical Sciences’ (specialties: 011 Sciences of Education; 014 Secondary Education (Physical Culture) (13.00.02; 13.00.04) and ’Physical Culture and Sports’ (specialty: 017 Physical Culture and Sports (24.00.01; 24.00.02; 24.00.03). The international publication covers a wide range of scientific researches in the field of mass sports, physical rehabilitation and sports of higher achievements.

          Scientists of our university also have the opportunity to publish their researches and study the best international experience of sports science in leading professional publications in Poland, in particular in the journal ’Physical Activity Review’. The editor-in-chief is Professor Jacek Wonsik. The publication is identified in scientometric databases (Web of Science Core (ESCI), Scopus). The journal may publish the results of dissertation researches for the degree of doctor and candidate of science. Publishers suggest authors to publish empirical and theoretical works in physical education and related disciplines, social sciences and health sciences, which represent an interdisciplinary approach.

          The quarterly scientific publication ’Sport i turystyka’ also invites scientists to cooperate. The editor-in-chief is Professor Eligius Mololepshi (Eligiusz Małolepszy dr hab. prof. UJD. Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie, Polska (e.malolepszy@ujd.edu.pl)). The papers are reviewed and published in Polish and the official languages of the conference.

          The faculty offers two post-graduate training programs:

  • 014 «Secondary Education (Physical Culture
  • 017 «Physical Culture and Sports»
Scientific periodicals
International academic mobility
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Double Diploma
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Students of our faculty do a “Double Diploma” program and undertake internships in premier universities in Poland. Special attention is paid to the practical training and this fact significantly improves their competitive performance at the employment market. Taking into account the interests and needs of Ukrainian student youth, our university in 2016-2017 academic year within the framework of the Cooperation Agreement between the Jan Dlugosz University of Humanities and Natural Sciences in Czestochowa and Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University signed an agreement on academic exchange of students. The purpose of the agreement is to implement joint training of students of the Faculty of Health Sciences in Poland and students of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Health of the first (bachelor's), second (master's) level of higher education in specialty 014 Secondary Education (Physical Culture) of 01 Education / Pedagogy field of knowledge. That is, students have a unique opportunity to receive a diploma of a European partner university along with a diploma from Lesia Ukrainka Volyn National University. The important fact is that the polish diploma is recognized in 28 countries of the European Union recognize this polish diploma and our students have an opportunity to land a job in Poland (or in any other European country).






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Guest Professor
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Golden pages of the Physical Culture, Sports and Health Faculty History

Literary anniversary addition




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Faculty of Physical Education, Sports and Health