Historical background: In 1989, the first recruitment of specialists with higher education for retraining in the field of Practical Psychology was carried out.Since 1992, the training took place at the Pedagogical Faculty, in the specialty "Practical Psychology in Educational Institutions", and since 1993 - as part of the Institute of Social Sciences, which initially trained specialists in the specialty "Practical Psychology", and also since 1999 in the specialty "Psychology".On August 29, 2001, by the order of the rector of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn State University, the Psychological Faculty was established.On November 17, 2005, the faculty was renamed into the Faculty of Psychology, in 2017 –in to the Faculty of Psychology and Sociology, and in August 2020, in connection with the transfer of specialty 054 "Sociology" to another faculty, the name of the Faculty of Psychology was restored.
Dean's Office: Dean – Tamara Duchyminska, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor.
Deputy dean foracademicaffairs – Anna Kulchytska, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor.
Deputy dean foreducationalaffairs – Mykhailo Kots, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor.
Deputy for scientific work and and curator of the scientific society of students and postgraduates – Nataliya Chmil, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor.
Methodist of full-time education– Nadiya Hordovska.
Departments: There are three departments in the structure of the Faculty of Psychology: Department of General and Clinical Psychology . The head –Zhuravliova O.V., Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor; Department of Pedagogical and Age Psychology. The head –Ya. O. Hoshovskyi,Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor; Department of Practical Psychology and Psychodiagnostics. The head –Mahdysiuk L.I., Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor.
Teaching staff:The activities of the Faculty of Psychology are based on good traditions established by prominent scientists and teachers who, together with the organization of training specialists in the field of knowledge 05 "Social and Behavioural Sciences", are actively engaged in scientific work, carry out applied and basic research, perform grant programs, economic contract issues, etc.
Experienced teachers work at the faculty,all of them on the permanent basis and they have scientific degrees and academic titles. 6 of them are doctors, professors; 27 are candidates, associate professors. Qualitative indicator of the teaching staff of the faculty is 100%. Most teachers have more than 10 years of teaching experience in higher education and are constantly improving their skills through training and internships.
Specialties and educational programs that providetraining, indicating the level of education:
Training of specialists is carried out at three levels of education: first (bachelor's), second (master's) and third (PhD) levels.
Specialty 053 "Psychology"
Educational program: "Psychology"
Educational qualification: Bachelor of Psychology.
Professional qualification: Psychologist. Psychologist in system of education and rehabilitation. Organizational psychologist.
Educational program: "Practical Psychology"
Educational qualification: Bachelor of Psychology.
Professional qualification: Psychologist. Practical psychologist.
Educational program: "Psychology"
Educational qualification: Master of Psychology.
Professional qualification: Psychologist. Teacher of psychology. Specialist in training and development.
Educational program: "Practical Psychology (psychological counseling and psychotherapy)"
Educational qualification: Master of Psychology.
Professional qualification: Practical psychologist. Counseling psychologist.
Educational program: "Clinical Psychology"
Educational qualification: Master of Psychology.
Professional qualification: Psychologist. Clinical psychologist.
Educational and scientific program: "Psychology of a personality: genesis, safety, health".
Qualification: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).