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Moklytsya Mariya Vasylivna

By redactor, 14 May, 2013
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Head of the department, Doctor of Philology, Professor

Moklytsya Mariya Vasylivna graduated from the Philological Faculty of M. Gorky Kiev State Pedagogical Institute (M. Dragomanov Kiev State Pedagogical Institute) in 1976. At first she worked as a teacher. From 1982 to the present she was an Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor of Lutsk Lesya Ukrainka State Pedagogical Institute. She defended the Candidate’s thesis in Humanities “The Essence of Conflict in Novels about Village during 1950-1980” (specialty 10.01.02 – soviet multinational literature) in1991. In 1993 she was granted the status of Associate Professor of the Department of the World Literature. In 1999, after completing doctoral studies (1996-1999) she defended the Ph. D thesis “Modernism as a Structure. Philosophy. Psychology. Poetics.” (specialty 10.01.06 – the Theory of Literature). In 2001 she was granted the status of professor of the Department of the Theory of Literature and Comparative Literary Criticism.

Moklytsya M.V. is the author of three monographs: “Modernism as a Structure. Philosophy. Psychology. Poetics.” (Lutsk, 1998; second edition - 2002), “Lesya Ukrainka’s Aesthtics” (2011). She is also the author of four manuals “Modernism in the Creative Work of the Writers of the XX century. Part I. Ukrainian Literature”, “Modernism in the Creative Work of the Writers of the XX century. Part II. Foreign Literature” (Lutsk, 1999); “Introduction to Literary Criticism” (2011) (all are certified by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine), “Fundamentals of Literary Criticism” (Ternopil, 2002).


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