Pro-Rector for educational work and communications,
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
Natalia Bohdanivna was born on May 1, 1977 in the city of Lviv.
In 1999 she graduated with honors from the Ukrainian Academy of Printing (Lviv), obtaining the qualification of editor of scientific, technical and informational literature.
During 1999-2000 she held the position of literary editor of the newspaper “Reliable Change” (Lutsk).
In 2001 she graduated with honors from the Ukrainian Academy of Printing and obtained a master's degree in “Publishing and Editing”.
During 2002-2005 she studied at the postgraduate course in the Ukrainian Academy of Printing.
Since 2005 she has been working as a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Ukrainian Language at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn State University; since 2006 – as Associate Professor at the Department of Ukrainian Language, Publishing and Editing of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn State University.
On April 13, 2006 she defended her thesis for the degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences (diploma № 033781; specialty 10.01.08 - journalism) at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
From 2009 to 2012 she worked as an Associate Professor, head of the Department of Publishing and Editing and Journalism at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University.
In 2010 she increased her qualification in social communications at the Institute of Journalism of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (certificate 12CAT (certificate of advanced training) 601395).
In 2011 she received the academic title of Associate Professor of the Department of Publishing and Editing and Journalism (certificate 12 DC № 026140; protocol № 2/49-D of 20.01.2011).
During 2013–2016 – free lance consultant-editor, editor-in-chief of video and audio advertising programs, videos, which are being prepared for broadcast on TV and radio companies of the Volyn region (including “Lux FM”, “Radio 24”, “Stylish Radio”, "Pepper FM", "FM Galicia", "Hit FM", "Our Radio", "Auto Radio", "Radio" Friday "," Chanson "," Melody "," Retro FM ") (reference of the TV and Radio Company "Mix" - № 3 of 21.01.2016).
From September 15, 2016 to March 15, 2017 she had a research internship at the Ukrainian Academy of Printing (Lviv) at the Department of Media Communications.
During January 25 - February 20, 2017 she increased her qualification under the program of the thematic permanent seminar "School of e-Government", EGAP program in Volyn region in the Volyn regional center of retraining and advanced training of employees of public authorities, local governments, state enterprises, institutions and organizations (108 hours, certificate).
From October 1, 2017 to February 28, 2018, she had the internship "Education and Science without Borders" at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (Lublin, the Republic of Poland) at the Faculty of Humanities, as well as at Lublin Science and Technology Park (Lublin, the Republic of Poland).
From February 1 to July 20, 2018 - one of the organizers (together with M.A. Rozhylo, O.V. Koshelyuk, N.M. Shulska, S.Y. Khominsky) of the Media School for students of 9-11 grades.
Natalia Bohdanivna teaches the following subjects: "History of publishing and editing", "Non-textual forms of information presentation", "Foundations of publishing and editing", "Editorial analysis", "Functioning of modern media: educational and reference editions", "Functioning of modern media: scientific and popular scientific editions”, “Artistic and technical design of printed editions".
She is the author of 59 publications in scientific journals, 6 educational and methodical works, 1 textbook approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (co-authored), 4 monographs (3 - co-authored).
She coordinates the scientific work of students under the educational program "Publishing and Editing" (problem group "Scientific communication: socio-cultural, publishing, media aspects"); curator of this educational program.
The current state of publication of bilingual (Russian-Ukrainian) terminological dictionaries / N.B. Blahovirna, N.I. Chernysh // Polygraphy and Publishing. - Lviv, 1999. - Issue. 35. - P. 261–266.
The role of linguistic grammars of the 1st half of XIX century in the formation of national self-consciousness of Ukrainians / N.B. Blahovirna // State building: spirituality, ecology, economy: papers of the science conference - K., 1999. - P. 173–174.
"Language determined the fate of the Ukrainian revival" (The view of studies regarding things Ukrainian as the main factor in the formation of new Ukrainian scientific literature in the XIX - early XX centuries.) / N.V. Zelinska, N.B. Blahovirna // Polygraphy and Publishing. - Lviv, 2000. - Issue. 36. - P. 150–156. (coauthored by N.V. Zelinska).
The introduction of the principles of press and book publishing commercialization in the first third of the twentieth century in Galicia (on the materials of the magazine "Dzvinochok"). / N.B. Blahovirna // Polygraphy and publishing. - Lviv, 2002. - № 39. - P. 37–43.
Ivan Tyktor as a popularizer of the Ukrainian idea in the editions of the 20-30s of the XX century / N.B. Blahovirna // Publishing industry and staff: achievements, problems, prospects: scientific-practicalcollection /edited by E.I. Ohar. - Lviv: Az-Art, 2002. - P. 239–244.
Introduction of market strategies in publishing in the late nineteenth - early twentieth century (on the material of "Ukrainian-Russian Publishing Union") / NB Blahovirna // Polygraphy and Publishing. - Lviv, 2003. - № 40. - P. 173–180.
Developing traditions of the past in the practice of current Ukrainian publishing houses / NB Blahovirna // Herald of Dnipropetrovsk University: Literary Studies. Journalism. - Dnipropetrovsk, 2003. - Issue. 6. - P. 311–315.
Formation of the publishing industry in Ukraine (on the material of the "Ukrainian-Russian Publishing Union") / NB Blahovirna // Socio-economic, political and cultural evaluations and forecasts at the turn of the two millennia: abstracts of the report of International. scientific-theoretical conf. of students, graduate students and young scientists. - Ternopil: Textbooks and handbooks, 2003.– P. 67.
Formation of the "Ukrainian-Russian Publishing Union" as a leading center of Ukrainian book publishing (1899-1932) / NB Blahovirna // Publishing young: report of The third scientific and theoretical conf. of students and graduate students. - K., 2003. - P. 120–126.
Ukrainian book market in Galicia at the end of the XIX - first third of the XX century / NB Blahovirna // Herald of Sumy State University: Philological Science. - Sumy, 2004. - Issue 1 (60). - P. 170–175.
"Ukrainian-Russian Publishing Union" (1899-1932) as a leading center of book publishing in Galicia / NB Blahovirna // Printing. - K., 2003. - № 4 (51). - P. 88–90.
Publishing products of the “Ukrainian-Russian Publishing Union” (1899–1932): authors and readers / NB Blahovirna // Collection of Scientific and Research Center for Periodicals. - Lviv, 2004. - Issue. 12. - P. 178–186.
Prerequisites for the establishment and first steps of the Ukrainian-Russian Publishing Union (1899–1932) - one of the most prominent and most effective publishing centers in Galicia in the late nineteenth - first third of the twentieth century / NB Blahovirna // Philological Studies. - Lutsk, 2004. - № 4 (28). - P. 510–518.
The role of the "Ukrainian-Russian Publishing Union" (1899-1932) in the formation of national principles of editorial and publishing activities: dissertation abstract of Cand. Philol. Sciences: 10.01.08 - journalism // NB Blahovirna; Ivan Franko National University of Lviv . - Lviv, 2005. - 18 p.
Formation and development of the Ukrainian publishing business of Galicia after the Russian revolution of 1905 (on the example of the "Ukrainian-Russian Publishing Union") / NB Blahovirna // Scientific notes of the Institute of Journalism. - K., 2005. - Issue. 21.
Publishing products of Galicia of the end of the XIX - first third of the XX century: thematic-typological analysis (on the example of "Ukrainian-Russian Publishing Union") / NB Blahovirna // Herald of Dnipropetrovsk University: Literary Studies. Journalism. - Dnipropetrovsk, 2006.– Issue. 8.– P. 348–352.
Developing criteria and models for preparing editions for publication in the late nineteenth - early twentieth century (on the example of "URPU") / NB Blahovirna // Polygraphy and Publishing. - Lviv, 2006. - Issue. 43. - P. 3–12.
General linguistics: study program of the course / MV Mirchenko, NB Blahovirna. - Lutsk: "Vezha" Lesya Ukrainka VSU, 2006.– 76 p. (coauthored by MV Mirchenko).
Historical experience of Ukrainian book publishing and its significance for book culture (on the example of "Ukrainian-Russian Publishing Union") / NB Blahovirna // Scientific herald of Lesya Ukrainka VSU: Philological Sciences. - 2006. - № 6. - P. 293–300.
Problems of formation of the writer’s cohort in the general problems of publishers of the end of the XIX - the beginning of the XX century (on the example of "Ukrainian-Russian Publishing Union") / NB Blahovirna // Volyn philological: text and context: Works of L. Borovykovsky in the context of Slavic romanticism . - Issue 2. - Lutsk, 2006.
Development of Ukrainian book and press publishing in the late XIX - early XX century as a phenomenon of national culture (on the example of "Ukrainian-Russian Publishing Union") / NB Blahovirna // National Periodicals of the early XX century: development and implementation of the Ukrainian idea of statehood: papers Int. Science conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Rada newspaper. - K., 2006. - P. 51–52.
Children's magazine "Dzvinochok" (1931-1939): "grain of knowledge, science and fun" / N. Blahovirna // Ivan Tyktor: fate and talent: monograph / N. Zelinska, L. Snitsarchuk, E. Ohar, N. Blahovirna, I. Kapral, M. Romanyuk, S. Romanyuk, L. Ivasenko, D. Paliy, A. Sudyn; head of author board O. Dumanska. - Lviv: UAD, 2007. - P. 144–148.
Practical course on the specialty: methodological tips and individual tasks from the course. - Lutsk: "Vezha" Lesya Ukrainka VSU, 2007. - 25 p.
Repertoire priorities "URPU" (1899–1932) / NB Blahovirna // Polygraphy and publishing. - Lviv, 2007. - № 45. - Issue. 1. - P. 57–60.
Mykhailo Hrushevsky and the Ukrainian-Russian Publishing Union (1899–1932): conceptual principles of editorial and publishing activity / NB Blahovirna // Scientific Herald. Philological Science. Literary Studies. - Lutsk, 2008. - № 11. - P. 206–212.
Language problems at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries in the context of the development of publishing in Ukraine / NB Blahovirna // Scientific herald: Philological sciences. - 2008. - № 2. - P. 298–305.
Peculiarities of broadcasting of regional FM-radio stations / NB Blahovirna // Scientific herald. Philological science. Linguistics. - Lutsk, 2008. - № 10. - P. 13–17.
Practical course on the specialty: handbook / NB Blahovirna. - Lutsk: "Vezha" Lesya Ukrainka VNU, 2008. - 128 p.
Anthology "Chords" (1903) as a model of publishing training / NB Blahovirna // Herald of NV Karazin Kharkiv National University.: Social communications. - Kharkiv, 2009. - № 874. - Issue. 1. - P. 40–45.
Introduction to the specialty: extended program and guidelines for students. Specialty "Publishing and editing" / NB Blahovirna. - Lutsk: "Volyn Regional Printing House", 2009. - 78 p.
Development of the typological structure of editions of the end of the XIX - beginning of the XX century / NB Blahovirna // Ukrainian Journalism. - K., 2009. - Issue 10. - P. 9–14.
The program of the enrollment test (creative competition) for degree in "Journalism" / compilers: Natalia Bohdanivna Blahovirna, Maria Andriivna Rozhylo, Oksana Leonidivna Terebus. - Lutsk: Lesya Ukrainka VNU, 2011. - 16 p. (coauthored MA Rozhylo, OL Terebus).
Peculiarities of preparation of photo editions through the prism of editorial analysis / NB Blahovirna // Scientific works of Ivan Ogienko Kamyanets-Podilsky National University: Philological Sciences, Issue. 25. Kamyanets-Podilsky. Medobory – 2006, 2011. P. 217–220. URL:
Visual communication and socio-cultural function of the editor / NB Blahovirna // Typological characteristics of Ukrainian media content: Papers of International. scientific-practical conf. [Science ed. V. Rizun; compiler T. Skotnykova]. - Kyiv: Institute of Journalism, 2011. - P. 106–110.
Structural and formative elements of broadcasting of the FM -radio stations of Lutsk / NB Blahovirna // Tele- and radio journalism. - Lviv, 2011. - Issue. 10. - P. 142–147.
Functional-thematic and stylistic features of the regional e-newspaper periodical pressof Volyn (on the example of "Volyn Truth", "Volyn News") / NB Blahovirna // Language, society, journalism: on the materials of the XV International. scientific-practical conference on the problems of functioning and development of the Ukrainian language "Language culture of modern mass media in the system of social communications" (Kyiv, April 10, 2009) / Dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Borys Oliynyk; ed. VV Rizun, AI Mamalyga; compiled by DV Danylchuk, IM Zabiyaka, AI Mamaliga. - Kyiv: Institute of Journalism, Kyiv National University. T. Shevchenko, 2011.
Gutenberg’s Galaxy or Internet Galaxy? / NB Blahovirna // Herald of NV Karazin Kharkiv National University.: Social communications. - Kharkiv, 2011. - № 968. - Issue. 3. - P. 6–11.
Collection of test tasks for entrants to the specialty "Publishing and Editing" for gaining degree "Specialist": handbook / ed. N. Blahovirna; authors: N. Blahovirna, M. Rozhylo, O. Terebus, etc .; recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine. Lutsk: Lesya Ukrainka VNU. - 232 p. (Series "Handbooks and textbooks of Lesya Ukrainka University").
Word in captivity of letters: criteria of editorial evaluation of fairy tales / NB Blahovirna // Mass communication: history, present, prospects: scientific-practical journal. - Lutsk: Lesya Ukrainka VNU, 2012. - № 2. - P. 100–105.
Ukraine Incognita. Feedback: [text] / NB Blahovirna. - URL: http: //
Trends in the publication of fairy tales in Ukraine during 2009–2010 / Yu. Mozolyuk, N. Blahovirna // Mass communication: history, present, prospects: scientific-practical journal. - Lutsk: Lesya Ukrainka VNU, 2012. - № 1. - P. 77–82.
"Walking on water": or How, having mastered the profession of a journalist, to stay in the profession / NB Blahovirna [E-resource] // Papers of the III International Scientific Internet Symposium "Journalist as a target in the modern world" [site]. - 2016. - URL:
Premiere of the film in the house built by Gutenberg: or Convergence of publishing strategies [E-resource] / NB Blahovirna // Papers of the IV International Scientific Internet Symposium "Bead Game: communication games of today" [site]. - 2017. - URL: of publishing in Ukraine (late XIX - early XX century): "Ukrainian-Russian Publishing Union" [text]: monograph / N.B. Blahovirna. - Lutsk: Vezha-Druk, 2016. - 272 p.
Collection of test tasks for entrants to the specialty "Journalism" for gaining degrees "Specialist", "Master": handbook / N.B. Blahovirna, Yu. V. Hromyk, O.M. Kosyuk, O.V. Koshelyuk, S.I.
Kravchenko, M.A. Rozhylo, O.L. Terebus, S.Y. Khominsky; ed. S.I. Kravchenko. - Lutsk: Vezha-Druk, 2016. - 172 p.
Mass media: reloading the main development trajectory / N.B. Blahovirna // JOURNALISM-2016.STATE, PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS. MATERIALS of the 18th International Scientific and Practical Conference Dedicated to the 95th Anniversary of the Belarusian State University (November 10-11). - Minsk: BSU, 2016. - P. 214–217. URL: % 81% D1% 82% D1% 8B% D0% BA% D0% B0-2016.pdf.
Readiness of the Ukrainian media space and society to participate in the intellectual game / N.B. Blahovirna // Mass communication: history, present, prospects: scientific-practical journal / resp. ed. S.I. Kravchenko; compiler M.A. Rozhylo. - Lutsk: Lesya Ukrainka EENU, 2016. - № 9–10 (7). - P. 197–203.
Premiere of the film in the house built by Gutenberg: or Convergence of publishing strategies[E-resource] / Natalia Blahovirna // Papers of the IV International Scientific Internet Symposium "Bead Game: communication games of today" [site]. - 2017. - URL:
Rediscovery of "gross information", or Reconfiguration of the global "curriculum" and the role of the editor of the Lutsk publishing environment / N.B. Blahovirna // Polygraphy and Publishing: Social Communications. - 2017. - № 1 (73). - P. 129–144. - URL: -in-lutsk /.
Game space of the House built by Gutenberg / Natalia Blahovirna // Maltseva O., Netreba M., Simashova A., Hrysyuk V., Hyrina T., Kosyuk O., Semenyuk L., Reutova M., Kytsan O., Solovey O ., Punina O., Moklytsia M., Shulska N., Koshelyuk O., Rozhylo M., Blahovirna N., Yezhyzhanska T. Bead game: Communication games of the present: monograph / ed. O. Kosyuk, O. Koshelyuk. - Lutsk: Vezha-Druk, 2017. - P. 229–244.
Statics and dynamics of scientific communication (finally or… at the beginning) / Natalia Blahovirna // Maltseva O., Netreba M., Simashova A., Hrysyuk V., Hyrina T., Kosyuk O., Semenyuk L., Reutova M., Kytsan O ., Solovey O., Punina O., Moklytsia M., Shulska N., Koshelyuk O., Rozhylo M., Blahovirna N., Yezhyzhanska T. Bead game: Communication games of the present: monograph / ed. O. Kosyuk, O. Koshelyuk. - Lutsk: Vezha-Druk, 2017. - P. 260–262.
The publication apparatus as the intellectual autonomy of the reader / N.B. Blahovirna // Polygraphy and publishing: Social communications. - 2017. - № 2 (74). - P. 147–162. - URL:
Fact as a metaphor / Natalia Blahovirna // Herald of Lviv National University: Journalism. - Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2018. - Issue. 43. - P. 162–170.– URL:
The value of the editor in the modern information space / N.B. Blahovirna // Publishing activity in terms of development of new technologies: studying the request of specialists: a collective monograph / [science ed. N.M. Vernyhora]; Institute of Journalism of Borys Hrinchenko Kyiv University. - Kyiv: Kyiv. Borys Hrinchenko University, 2018. - P. 30–40.
Who conducts the publishing process: publisher or… author? / N.B. Blahovirna // Modern linguistic and literary methodologies and new understanding of the literary text. Anthology /
compilers: L.K. Oliander, O.V. Bohdanova, Yu. V. Hromyk, I.F. Steiner. - Lutsk: Vezha-Druk, 2018. - P. 611–620. - 1 e-disk (CD-ROM). - Data size 10.80 MB.
Visuality of publishing "plots" [E-resource] / Natalia Blahovirna // Papers of the V Scientific Internet Symposium "Intercultural Communication of the Postmodern Age: Faces and Masks", May 19, 2018. [site]. - URL:
Functioning of modern media: scientific and popular science editions: curriculum / N.B. Blahovirna. - Lutsk: Lesya Ukrainka National University, 2018. - 10 p.
Editorial analysis of the publication apparatus: handbook / N.B. Blahovirna. - Lutsk: Lesya Ukrainka National University, 2018. - 134 p.
Title of the book: from "relaxed" to poetic / N.B. Blahovirna, T.S. Berezna, M.V. Puntus // Modern mass media space: realities and prospects of development. - Vinnytsia, 2018. - P. 336–340.