The Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv hosted a national seminar in the framework of “Fostering Sustainable and Autonomous Higher Education Systems in the Eastern Neighbouring Area” Tempus Project on October, 6, 2013. The Eastern European National University is one of the Ukrainian domestic partners of this project together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Rectors' Union, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Donetsk National University, Illia Mechnykov Odessa National University. The European Universities' Association ( EUA) is the main coordinator of the project.
The seminar was opened by Leonid Hubers'kyi, Rector of theTaras Shevchenko National University. He welcomed all the seminar participants and thanked Thomas Estermann, head of EUA Department of management, autonomy and funding, for a thorough study of academic, organizational, financial and personnel autonomy of Ukrainian universities. Specialists from abroad were also invited to take part in the seminar. Among them were E. Fraysmut, Chairman of the Department of Higher Education in Austria, Peter Mederli, Advisor of the Minister of Education, Research, Science of Slovakia, Xavier Puente Shode, Chief Financial Officer of the Carlos III University in Madrid, Spain, Peter-Jan Aartsen, corporate Controller of the University of Amsterdam (Netherlands). The workshop also discussed the challenges of education, the necessity of the educational community to discuss the law on higher education and the understanding of the university as an entity, not just as a budget institution.
At the end of the workshop, the participants decided to adapt the experience of financial, personnel, academic and institutional economy of the leading European universities for its implementation in Ukrainian universities with due account of their specific.
Professor Larysa Zasiekina