My name is Alriqeeq Mohammed Amhimmid Abraheem. I’m a citizen of the State of Libya. Currently, I’m a student at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University (Lutsk, Ukraine). I obtained a Master's degree in 2020 and now a second-year PhD student in the training program 102 «Chemistry». Education is essential to me, that’s why I choose LUVNU. I’m getting a lot of information and knowledge, doing many experiments in Chemistry and research. Time is so useful and interesting when you study Chemistry at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University.
I want to express words of gratitude to the Rector, all teachers, professors, and administration staff of LUVNU. I told all my friends in Libya to come to Ukraine, join Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University and obtain Bachelor's, Master and PhD degrees. I’m so happy and praying To Stop This War in Ukraine. Because Ukraine is the «Mother» of all world. It’s my second country and I love Ukraine so much. Слава Україні! Герoям Слава!