The year of foundation: 1959
The first Dean of the faculty was associate professor O. M. Shportenko and his successors – associate professor V. V. Strubytskyi and M. D. Kulykivskyi. In 1972 the faculty was closed and resumed its activities again in 1977, having got a new name – the faculty of Pedagogy and Teaching Methodology of primary education. It was headed by professor A. S. Nisimchuk, and in 1981 associate professor Yo. N. Khrakovskii became a new dean of it.
In the 80-ies the faculty had been developing rapidly and successfully. In 1983 new specialties (a teacher of music and singing at a primary school and a teacher of drawing at a primary school) were introduced. In 1991one more speciality was added to the list – a teacher of choreography at a primary school.
In 1992 the faculty was reorganized into pedagogical. The reorganization period was marked by opening of two specialties: preschool education (1992) and social pedagogy (1993). In this period the faculty functions as an integral part of the newly-established Lesia Ukrainka Volyn State University, formed on the basis of the Lutsk Pedagogical Institute.
Since 1998 the faculty trains specialists of different qualification levels, allowing them scientific degrees of Bachelor, Master and Specialist.
In the 90-ies the faculty was headed by: associate professor B. O. Yarosh, professor I. O. Smoliuk, associate professor L. R. Kalapusha; since 2003 till 2005 associate professor B. B. Kotsun was the dean of the faculty.
In 2006 in accordance with the decree № 34-к issued by the rector of the Lesia Ukrainka Volyn State University on February 15, 2006 the faculty was reorganized into the Pedagogical Institute and professor I. O. Smoliuk, doctor in Pedagogy was appointed the Dean of the Institute.
In 1998 the postgraduate course and in 2003 doctoral course were set up having formed a solid basis for scientific research at the Institute.
The Dean: LiakishevaAnnaVolodymyrivna, PhD in Pedagogy, associate professor.
The Dean Assistants:
Assistant dean on learning process – Antoniuk Volodymyr Zinoviiovych Candidate of sciences in Pedagogy, associate professor.
Assistant dean on educational work – Bartkiv Oksana Stepanivna, Candidate of sciences in Pedagogy, associate professor.
Social Pedagogy and Pedagogy of higher education
Philology and Teaching Methodology of primary education
Theory and Teaching Methodology of natural and mathematical disciplines of primary education
Teaching Staff
Scientific and teaching staff of the institute includes 56 persons, 51 of which have scientific degrees of PhD or Doctor of sciences in Pedagogy (The quality rating of the teachers staff is 91 %). Among the scholars of the institute there are 3 – Doctors of sciences in Pedagogy, professors; 2 – professors with Candidate degree in Pedagogy; 40 – associate professors with Candidate degree in Pedagogy; 6 –assistant professors with Candidate degree in Pedagogy; 1 – associate professor without scientific degree; 2 – instructors. The names of the following scholars are worth mentioning as the leading ones: professor I. O. Smoliuk, Doctor in Pedagogy; professor R. M. Prima, Doctor in Pedagogy; professor P. M. Gusak, Doctor in Pedagogy; professor I. P. Tomashevska (Candidate degree in Pedagogy), professor R. O. Pozinkevych (Candidate degree in Pedagogy), associate professor L. A. Martirosian (Candidate degree in Pedagogy), associate professor O. S. Bartkiv (Candidate degree in Pedagogy), associate professor Yu. G. Barabash (Candidate degree in Pedagogy), associate professor Ye. A. Durmanenko (Candidate degree in Pedagogy), associate professor T. P. Ostapiovska (Candidate degree in Pedagogy), associate professor O. K. Danyliuk (Candidate degree in Philology), associate professor Z. O. Pakholok (Candidate degree in Philology), associate professor V. V. Kudryk (Candidate degree in Biology), associate professor A. B. Filipenko (Candidate degree in Biology).
The Main Trends of Scientific Research Activities
The priority areas of research at the Institute are: organization of the educational process at the institutions of higher education, new pedagogical technologies, development of the professional-pedagogical competences of the future primary school teachers, actual problems of the theoretical and practical training of the future instructors for kindergartens, innovative approaches to the professional training of the future social pedagogue.
The Institute has close scientific relations with O. Dovzhenko Glukhiv National Pedagogical University, V. Stefanyk Transcarpathian National University, M. Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, P. Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University and others.
The Institute pays much attention to establishing international cooperation with the foreign universities in the context of realization of the Bologna Process Programs aimed at recognition of the Ukrainian diplomas abroad. The Institute’s staff works hard to find partners for realization of joint training programs, exchange programs for students and teachers.
To realize these programs the Institute signed contracts on cooperation with Zamost’ High School of Management and Cooperation, College of Higher Vocational Education in the town of Kholm, Higher school of International Cooperation ISM in Presiv (Slovakia)
Well-known teachers:
Velemets Vira Khomivna, Ryzhko Ruslana Stepanivna, Naumchuk Svitlana Vasylivna, Yevtushko Alla Yosypivna, Surovtsev Volodymyr Valentynovych
Well-known governmental employees:
Savchuk Zhana Yevgenivna – the Head of the Gorokhiv District Administration (till 2014 ), Parkhomiuk Anatolii Ivanovych – Lutsk Town Council deputy, Deputy Chairman of the Town Council (2006 – 2012).
Material and technical basis: the Institute works in the university building В (№1). There is a rich library of pedagogical literature situated in the same building – 20 lecture halls, computer center, informative-methodological center and a large conference hall are at the students disposal.