The key to quality education is adherence to the principles of academic integrity by both students and academic staff. Academic integrity builds trust in learning outcomes and enhances the future career success of graduates. Given the importance of ensuring academic integrity, there is a need to discuss this concept, analyze it and, most importantly, explain it to students.
A survey was conducted among students at the Faculty of Economics and Management, the results of which showed that students do not understand the essence of academic integrity. Therefore, to familiarize young people with the concept of academic integrity and manifestations of its non-compliance, the faculty is actively explaining it. In December and January, Natalia Matviychuk, curator of NTAiS, and group supervisors held conversations with students about the essence of academic integrity, the most common forms of its violation by students, and responsibility for such violations.
During the meetings with the students, the main provisions of Article 42 of the Law of Ukraine “On Education” and the Code of Academic Integrity and the Regulations on the System of Prevention and Detection of Academic Plagiarism in the Research Activities of Higher Education Students and Academic Staff, which are in force at Lesya Ukrainka National University, were discussed. Today, we can speak of academic integrity as a clearly defined concept that has its own characteristics, performers and responsible parties, as well as specific regulations and requirements.
This topic aroused interest and lively discussion among students, as well as the understanding that everyone needs to adhere to academic integrity.
Natalia Matviychuk,
curator of the NTAiS
of the Faculty of Economics and Management,
Associate Professor of the Department of Finance