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Who Are Our Enemies?

By Feoles, 30 March, 2022
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Russia’s brutal, unprovoked large-scale attack on Ukraine must have deprived both Ukrainians and the whole world of all illusions about Russia and its greatness, and the world is finally convinced of the muscovites' total lies, cruelty and cynicism. The explanation of the essence of "russian world" seems to have already lost its relevance: it goes without saying.

In fact, it is a delusion that will easily push many Ukrainians into the same old traps they have fallen into for centuries with the help of Kremlin phonies. It is crucial to believe that some Ukrainians will continue to consider russians a fraternal people. But… Despite all my deep and long-standing anti-russianism, the other day, I was on the verge of falling into one of these traps.

The news about Biden's speech in Poland was highlighted by one of the bloggers with the words "Biden is delighted with Ukrainians…". Although I do not read comments on such news, a phrase placed first will sometimes catch my eye, because it is noticeable as such: "Is he delighted?! Should Ukrainians continue to die for Biden's delight? ” This comment was largely in line with my feelings: the appraisal of Ukrainian heroism from high-ranking officials preventing thousands of deaths is already beginning to cause indignation. So I swiped the page. There was no point in reading the comments: my resentment against Biden gushed and spilled over the edges. Even from afar, the reaction seemed to be quite inadequate. It was alarming that all the posts were in russian, although the true picture of the comments is always intangible. And a few seconds later the key phrase immediately put everything in its place: "… let the Slavs kill each other, and they…." That's the heart of the matter: a familiar Kremlin narrative about the Slavic brotherhood...

How skillfully racist propagandists continue to operate! I immediately remembered how in 2014-2015, with the effective help of the Moscow Patriarchate churches, they made Poroshenko the number one enemy for most Ukrainians. Not Putin, no, but Poroshenko ... Biden, not Putin… the Kremlin shamans whisper again, manipulate emotions to the best of their ability to turn the “khokhols” against themselves.

It designates war on all fronts, a lengthy war. Until the racist empire collapses. And many relevant explanations will follow.


Doctor of Philological Sciences,

Professor of the Department of Theory of Literature and Foreign Literature

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