- International Economic Relations and the Project Management
- Country Studies and International Relations
- International Information
- Foreign Languages
Additional information: here and HERE
Additional information: here and HERE
Methodist of the faculty
Kateryna Horaychuk
Deputy Dean for Students Affairs
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs
Svitlana Havrylyuk
Deputy Dean for Research and International Affairs
Curator of the scientific society of the faculty students and graduate students
Of the Academic Council of the International Relations Faculty
for 2020-2025
(approved by:
Minutes of the Academic Council of the International Relations Faculty № 9 of February 25, 2021; №13 of June 23, 2021)
Shulyak Antonina Mykolayivna - Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Academic Council
Vozniuk Yevheniya Vasylivna - Candidate of Political Sciences, Ph.D., Associate Professor of International Relations and Regional Studies Department, Deputy Dean for Students Affairs
Morenchuk Andriy Anatoliyovych - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Ph.D., Associate Professor of International Relations and Regional Studies Department, Deputy Dean for Research and International Affairs
Kozak Alla Volodymyrivna - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Foreign Languages and Translation Department, Chairman of the Trade Union Bureau
Kotsan Natalia Nestorivna - Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Head of the of International Relations and Regional Studies Department
Karpchuk Natalia Petrovna - Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Head of the International Communications and Political Analysis Department
Cherniak Oksana Pavlivna - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of the Foreign Languages and Translation Department
Boyar Andriy Oleksiyovych - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the International Economic Relations and Project Management Department
Pavlikha Natalia Volodymyrivna - Doctor of Economics, Ph.D., Professor of the International Economic Relations and Project Management Department
Kukharyk Victoria Vasylivna - Candidate of Economics, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the International Economic Relations and Project Management Department
Havrilyuk Svitlana Ivanivna - Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs
Pechko Nina Mykolayivna - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Foreign Languages and Translation Department
Kruglij Olena Rostyslavivna - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Foreign Languages and Translation Department
Tykhomyrova Yevheniya Borysivna - Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor of the International Communications and Political Analysis Department
Lazhnik Volodymyr Yosypovych - Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Ph.D., Professor of the International Relations and Regional Studies Department
Kulyk Serhiy Mykhailovych - Candidate of Political Sciences, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the International Relations and Regional Studies Department, Secretary of the Academic Council of the International Relations Faculty
Horaychuk Kateryna Romanivna - Methodist of the Faculty
Taranik Victoria (IR-33) - Chairman of the Student Council of the Faculty
Ageyenko Daniil (IC-42) - head of the trade union bureau of the faculty students
Scientific and methodical commission:
head – Antonina Shulyak
members – Nataliia Karpchuk, Nataliia Romanyuk, Nadiia Petrovska, Iryna Kytsiuk
1. REGULATIONS on the Scientific and Methodological Council of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
2. ORDER on approval of the composition of the scientific and methodological council of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University for the 2021/2022 academic year
3. WORK PLAN of the Scientific and Methodological Council of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University for the 2021/2022 academic year
4. PROVISIONS on the procedure for recommending educational, production and practice, reference, cartographic publications, teaching aids and educational equipment for use in the educational process of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
5. REQUIREMENTS for the layout of educational publications for internal use at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
The SVIT Language Center was established at the International Relations Faculty of LesyaUkrainkaVolyn (Eastern European) National University in 2006 and offers services in foreign languages and translation, computer technology, education, recreation and travel abroad.
The language school offers courses in English, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, German, Polish, Russian, French, Czech and Farsi, as well as Ukrainian for foreigners.
- different levels;
- trainingfor the exam to obtain an international certificate;
- intensive communicative teaching methods;
-classes in groups and individually;
-training in accordance with the suggested or individually elaborated programtaking into account interests and wishes of students;
- highly qualified, experienced teachers of the Foreign Languages and TranslationDepartment of International RelationsFaculty;
- obtaining the official certificate ofLesyaUkrainkaVolyn National University.
The training is conducted by highly professional certified specialists, the majority of whom work at the International RelationsFaculty, the vast majority of them have defended PhD theses, or they are PhD students. Teachers regularly undergo internships in the countries the languages of which they teach.
The classes use the latest methods of intensive study of foreign languages, modern textbooks of domestic and foreign publishers, multimedia, educational videos and audio programs. The combination of progressive approaches to the study of foreign languages, the qualification and creativity of teachers, the desire of students to master foreign languages create the conditions for the maximum effect of their mastery.
The program is designed for two years of the foreign language learning.
Upon graduation, graduates of the language school receive official certificates of LesyaUkrainkaVolyn National University, certifying the level of language proficiency and the right to use it in translation at work, at home, use the language during trips abroad (business trips, travel, etc.) .
As they say, to play the piano, it is not enough to have two hands, and to make a quality translation, it is not enough to know two languages. Translation, as a field of activity, requires special knowledge, skills and practical abilities. Our staff knowthe theory of translation and have an extensive experience in its implementation, because at the main place of work they prepare students for work in the field of international activities and only at our faculty students receive a diploma of International Relations specialist with a deep knowledge of foreign languages.
(050) 690-4808
Registration for the seminar "E-learning: organization of the educational process" has begun
The Information and Consulting Center of the International RelationsFaculty "CONSUL" continues a series of seminars for employees of LesyaUkrainka University in order to improve the skills of research and teaching staff and administrative staff and gain competencies necessary for organizing, administering and providing educational process in higher education programs with elements e-learning (based on Microsoft 365). The program of the seminar is focused on the needs for training and retraining of scientific and pedagogical staff in the field of implementation of information and communication technologies in the educational process and the possession of such competencies.
Only for employees of LesyaUkrainkaVolyn National University.
Classes begin as the groups are completed.
Participation is free.
Registration lasts until February 18, 2022.
Training "European integration of Ukraine: a competent graduate"
You must register by March 7, 2022. Registration form
In April-May 2021, the training "European integration of Ukraine: a competent graduate" will be held at the LesyaUkrainkaVolyn National University. The event is implemented within the framework of the Jean Monnet Chair project "EU Studies at LesyaUkrainka University" of the European Union Erasmus + program.
The main directions of scientific research of the departments:
International Economic Relations and Project Management: Transformation of Ukraine's Foreign Economic Model in the Conditions of Global Destabilization of Regional Markets ”(0120U104811).
International Relations and Regional Studies: Ukraine in the System of European Integration Processes and Cross-Border Cooperation.
International Communications and Political Analysis: Information Hygiene as a Direction of National Security (0120U104944).
Foreign Languages and Translation: Language Universals in Intercultural Communication
Scientific journals:
Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference on May 20, 2016."Implementation in Ukraine of the European experience of information and communication support of local authorities and self-government."
International and regional systems. Current issues of international relations and regional studies
International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Information Warfare as a New Dimension of Geopolitical Rivalry".
International scientific-practical conference "Information warfare as a new dimension of geopolitical rivalry".
Round table "From conflict to peace building: challenges and experiences of the region"
International Certified Curriculum "School of Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship".
Ukrainian-Polish project "Information Warfare as a New Dimension of Geopolitical Rivalization" / "Information Warfare as a New Dimension of Geopolitical Rivalization": International and National Security: Politics, Information, Ecology, Economy: collective monograph / Ed. by Mytko A., 2018. 325 p.;
Glossary: educational encyclopedic dictionary-reference book on information security / edited by Doctor of Political Sciences, Prof. A.M.Shulyak, 2019. 500 p.;
Research and educational projects and departments:
Відеоролик про матеріальну базу ВНУ імені Лесі Українки
Інфраструктура ВНУ імені Лесі Українки
Матеріально-технічна база факультету міжнародних відносин
Фільм з нагоди 80-річчя Університету Лесі Українки
Новосілля на факультеті міжнародних відносин
Бібліотека ВНУ імені Лесі Українки
Центр інноваційних технологій та комп'ютерного тестування
База практик табору "Гарт" ВНУ імені Лесі Українки
Лабораторія синхронного перекладу
Віртуальний тур музеєм Лесі Українки Волинського національного університету імені Лесі Українки
Інформаційний центр Європейського Союзу
Інститут Польщі ВНУ імені Лесі Українки
Філії, центри та представництва ВНУ імені Лесі Українки
Cучасний інклюзивний простір «СТВОРЕННЯ ІНКЛЮЗИВНОГО ХАБУ»
Реабілітаційна клініка ВНУ імені Лесі Українки
Мультимедійний вогневий комплексу у ВНУ імені Лесі Українки
«Пожежа» у Волинському національному університеті імені Лесі Українки
Rules of admission to LesyaUkrainkaVolyn National University in 2022
Regulatory framework
Specialties for entrants after school:
SPECIALTY 291 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS AND REGIONAL STUDIES, Educational Program "International Information and Public Communications"
SPECIALTY 292 INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS, educational program "International Business"
List of specialties for admission (based on OQR "Junior Specialist")
SPECIALTY 291 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS AND REGIONAL STUDIES, Educational Program "International Relations" (full-time education, non-budget proposal, admission course: 2)
SPECIALTY 291 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS AND REGIONAL STUDIES, Educational Program "International Information and Public Communications" (full-time education, non-budget proposal, admission course: 2)
SPECIALTY 292 INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS, educational program "International Business" (full-time education, non-budget proposal, admission course: 2)
LIST of specialties for master's entrants:
Specialty 073 MANAGEMENT, educational program "Project Management" (full-time education)
SPECIALTY 291 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS AND REGIONAL STUDIES, educational Program "International Relations" (full-time education)
SPECIALTY 291 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS AND REGIONAL STUDIES, educational program "Regional Studies" (full-time education)
SPECIALTY 291 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS AND REGIONAL STUDIES, educational program “International Information and Public Communications” (full-time education)
SPECIALTY 292 INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS, educational program "International Economic Relations" (full-time education)
Contact (for consultations):
Dean - ShulyakAntoninaMykolaiivna: tel. + 38095-523-75-96,
Deputy Dean - VozniukYevheniyaVasylivna: tel. + 38095-865-44-10,
Contacts of the admission committee
specialty 291 "International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies" educational and professional program "International Information and Public Communications"
Bachelor information package
Master's information package
Bachelor's degree curriculum 2017
Curriculum of the bachelor of 2019 EPP
Selective courses for the 4th year of studies of 2022-2023 academic year
Bachelor's degree curriculum 2020 EPP
Master's curriculum 2020 EPP
Curriculum of the bachelor of 2021 ePP
Master's curriculum 2021 EPP
specialty 291 "International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies" educational and professional program "International Relations"
Form of study: full-time
Curriculum for the1st year
Curriculum for the 2nd year
Curriculum for the 3rd year
Curriculum for the 4th year
Curriculum for the 5th year
Curriculum for 6th year
specialty 291 "International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies" educational and professional program "Regional Studies"
Form of study: full-time
TRAINING OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY specialty 291 "International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies"
Since 2017, enrollment in postgraduate studies in the specialty of the third (educational and scientific) level 291 "INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS AND REGIONAL STUDIES" field of knowledge 29 "International Relations".
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated March 10, 2017 № 43l "On licensing of educational activities". Licensedcapacity - 5 people (extract)
Annotation of the educational-professional program (EPP) for the training of masters in "International Economic Relations"
Summary of the educational and professional program for masters "International economic relations"
Forms of study: full-time
Master's curriculum 2020 EPP 2020 syllabi 2020
Master's curriculum 2021 EPP 2021 syllabi 2021
Proposals to improve the EPP "International Economic Relations"
Summary of the educational and professional program (EPP) for bachelor's "International Business"
Mode of study: Full-time
Bachelor's curriculum 2019 р. Description of EPP 2019 Syllabi 2019
Bachelor's curriculum 2020 р. Description of EPP 2020 Syllabi 2020
Bachelor's curriculum 2021 р. Description of EPP 2021 Syllabi 2021
Propositions to improve study program "International Business"
About the specialty: Project Management
Form of study: full-time
Master's curriculum 2019
Master's curriculum 2020
Master's curriculum 2021. Description of EPP
The faculty cooperates with universities of other countries: the Faculty of International Relations of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie University (Lublin, Poland), the State Higher Vocational School (Chełm, Republic of Poland), the Higher School of Management (Lodz, Poland), Higher School of Public Administration (Chełm, Republic of Poland), Nicolaus Copernicus University (Toruń,Poland), Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznan, Poland), Institute of Security Sciences of the Pedagogical University of the National Education Commission (Krakow, Poland), Institute of Sociology, University of Rzeszów (Rzeszów, Poland).
Signied agreements:
Nicolaus Copernicus University (Toruń,Poland) - agreement
Institute of Security Sciences of the Pedagogical University named after the National Education Commission (Krakow, Poland) - agreement
University of Bialystok (Bialystok,Poland) - agreement
Agreement on scientific and didactic cooperation has been signed with the Pedagogical University of the National Education Commission in Krakow
ToruńStudentsSummerProgram internship: experience of Volyn students
LesiaUkrainka University is a partner of the Townandgown 2.0 project of the International Visegrad Foundation
2017–2019 international grant project “EU Project Management” within the framework of the EU Erasmus + program (Jean Monnet Module), head - Pavlikha N.V.
2018-2019 - Ukrainian-Polish project "Information War as a new dimension of geopolitical rivalry", leader - Shulyak A.M.
2019-2022, the international grant project "EU Studies at LesiaUkrainka University" within the EU program Erasmus + (Jean Monnet Chair), head - Boyar A.O.
2022-2025 international grant project "Sustainable, inclusive and smart development in the decentralization process: the experience of the EU" under the EU program Erasmus + (Jean Monnet Chair), leader - Pavlikha N.V.;
2022-2025 - international grant project "EU Strategic Communications: Counteracting Destructive Impacts" of the ERASMUS + program, Jean Monnet Module, Head - Karpchuk NP
Lecturer in International Relations wins House of Europe grant
Cooperation with the University of Bialystok continues
A memorandum of cooperation was signed with the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
The project will be implemented at the University with the support of the British Council
Lecturer in International Relations wins House of Europe grant
Meeting with "Chinglishschool" at the Faculty of International Relations
Cooperation with the Istanbul Foundation for Science and Culture
A unique handbook on the European Union was presented at the University
Name of educational program Form of study Level
International Relations 2021Full timeFirst (bachelor's) level
International information and public communications 2021 Full time First (bachelor's) level
International Business 2021 Full time First (bachelor's) level
International information and public communications 2021 Full time Second (master's) levelFaculty of International Relations
International Economic Relations 2021 Full time Second (master's) level
International Relations 2021 Full time Second (master's) level
Project Management 2021 Full time Second (master's) level
Regional Studies 2021 Full time Second (master's) level
Economics of Sustainable DevelopmentFull time Third (educational-scientific / educational-creative) level
Project Management 2020 Full time Second (master's) level
International information and public communications 2020 Full time Second (master's) level
Regional Studies 2020 Full time Second (master's) level
International Relations 2020 Full time Second (master's) level
International Economic Relations 2020 Full time Second (master's) level
International Business 2020 Full time First (bachelor's) level
International Relations 2020 Full time First (bachelor's) level
International information and public communications 2020 Full time First (bachelor's) level
International Economic Relations 2020 Full time First (bachelor's) level
291 International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies, Educational and Professional Program "Regional Studies"
Schedules of educational process (master 2nd year, full-time form of study)
291 International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies, Educational and Professional Program "International Relations"
Schedule of educational process (master 1styear, master 2nd year, bachelor, full-time study)
291 International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies, Educational and Professional Program "International Information and Public Communications"
Schedule of educational process (master 1st year, master 2nd year, bachelor, full-time study)
292 International Economic Relations, educational and professional program "International Business" (bachelor, full-time)
292 International Economic Relations, educational and professional program "International Economic Relations"
Schedule of educational process (master 1st year, master 2nd year, full-time study)
073 "Management", educational and professional program "Project Management"
Schedule of the educational process (master 1st year, full-time study)
Trainingschedules (full-time)
Schedule ofthetestsessionfor:
1st yearEL "Bachelor"
2nd yearEL "Bachelor"
3rd yearEL "Bachelor"
4th yearEL "Bachelor"
1st yearEL "Master"
Schedule ofexaminationsessionfor:
1st yearEL "Bachelor"
2nd yearEL "Bachelor"
3rd yearEL "Bachelor"
4th yearEL "Bachelor"
1st yearEL "Master"
Schedule ofliquidationofthe credit-examination sessionforthe 4th year
Schedule ofstatecertificationforstudentsoftheFacultyofInternationalRelations 2021-2022 academicyear
for educational and professional programs:
International relations
International business
International information and public communications
Енциклопедія випускників ФМВ. Золотий фонд університету
Віртуальні екскурсії «Світ на “смак” міжнародника»
Антоніна Шуляк: «Я фанат свого факультету й вболіваю за нього»
Міжнародники розпочали серію інформативно-дискусійних зустрічей зі школярами Луцька та області
Слухачі отримали сертифікати про успішне закінчення тренінгів і курсу з євроінтеграційної тематики
Про культуру толерантності на факультеті міжнародних відносин
Міжкультурна онлайн-гутірка «Одна громада» на факультеті міжнародних відносин
Відбулася онлайн-бесіда «запитай у мусульманина»
Відбулися дебати «Плюси та мінуси роботи за кордоном»
Лесині люди долучилися до толоки з нагоди всесвітнього дня прибирання
В університеті вперше відзначили всесвітній день культурного різноманіття в ім’я діалогу та розвитку
Студенти факультету міжнародних відносин не байдужі
Уміємо і навчатися, і відпочивати!
Університет отримав подяку Молодіжної ради Луцька
У СНУ навчатимуться аспіранти із Африки
Аспірантка Лесиного вишу стала аташе у Постійному представництві ООН
Аспірантка ФМВ працюватиме аташе у постійному представництві при ООН
Аспірантка Лесиного вишу стала аташе у Постійному представництві ООН
Представники ФМВ обмінювалися досвідом молодіжних ініціатив у Тбілісі
Аспірантка факультету міжнародних відносин – учасниця семінару «Академія стратегічних комунікацій»
Аспірант факультету міжнародних відносин ВНУ – учасник молодіжного обміну в Литві з медіаграмотності
СНУ прийняв на навчання в аспірантуру нових іноземних аспірантів
ОЛЕКСАНДР НОВАК, 30 черв. 2020 р.
Делегація університету в Кембриджі долучилася до реалізації міжнародного проєкту
Ukrainian Day Варшавського Університету
Співпраця ФМВ із територіальними громадами триває
Дуальна форма здобуття освіти і робота з аспірантами на факультеті міжнародних відносин
Наші колеги, партнери висловлюють підтримку та надають допомогу
Współpraca polski i ukrainy w warunkach wojny rosyjsko-ukraińskiej
«Всі відтінки дипломатії: романтичні міфи і реальність»
На факультет міжнародних відносин завітав український дипломат Юрій Карпук
İİKV, Ukrayna Lesia Üniversitesi ile bir işbirliği anlaşmasına imza attı
Співпраця з Університетом у Білостоці триває
На факультеті міжнародних відносин обговорили ОПП та ОНП
На факультеті міжнародних відносин обговорили ефективність програми підготовки докторів філософії
Нові тенденції у підготовці науковців у галузі міжнародних відносин
Підвищення кваліфікації на ФМВ: навчаємо та навчаємося
Віртуальні екскурсії «Світ на “смак” міжнародника»
Візит Дмитра Разумкова в Університет Лесі Українки
Консул Юрій Карпук поспілкувався зі студентам про підтримку України Нідерландами
Лекція консула Юрія Карпука для студентства факультету міжнародних відносин
Міграція українців – тема лекції на факультеті міжнародних відносин
Публічна лекція ПРАТ «Uniqa страхування» для економістів-міжнародників
Публічна лекція для економістів-міжнародників від представників компанії «Молокія»
Студенти ФМВ подискутували із Надзвичайним і Повноважним Послом України Олександром Моциком
Публічні лекції на факультеті міжнародних відносин